Part 12

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Scott ends up carrying Louis into Harry's bed and he only stirs when he's placed down onto the sheets.

Scott sits on the bed next to Louis and swipes his fringe off his forehead.

"It's okay Lou, just getting you comfortable" Scott reassures an exhausted Louis.

"Sorry I fell asleep" Louis says tiredly as he looks at his brother.

"Don't apologise kiddo, you need your rest" Scott smiles.

Louis sighs.

"Do you, do you think I should move in with Harry?" Louis asks innocently.

He wants to say yes to Harry but he wants his brothers approval too.

"What do you want to do?" Scott asks gently.

"I want to but, I'm scared" Louis says.

"I know it's scary kiddo but Harry loves you to pieces and like he said it's just the next step in your relationship, even if it's happening fast that's okay, when you know you know" Scott says smiling.

"Did you know with Sammy?" Louis asks.

"I did, asked her to marry me after three months remember, and she's everything" Scott says.

"What doesn't work out?" Louis asks.

"Well it doesn't work out, you move on but Lou, you can't be scared of the what if's, you've taught us all that, if you were scared of what would happen you wouldn't have gone to college would you. Now look at you, you graduated top honours. Besides, Harry is absolutely head over heels and would walk through flames for you. Trust that, trust him and your instincts" Scott says.

He then kisses Louis on the head.

"Rest, we will see you in two weeks okay" Scott says.

"K" Louis smiles.

"Stay out of trouble would you" Scott teases and Louis smiles as his brother leaves. He rolls over and falls asleep again, with a smile on his face.


Noah and Louis spend their last week together attached at the hip. Harry misses Louis but knows he needs to spend time with Noah at their place, Louis still being on strict rest.

Louis decided to take the step and move in with Harry after his and Scott's pretty big D&M about it, so Harry and Drew moved Louis clothes over the night Noah left for France.

Two days after Noah has left, with the promise of lots of calls and visits, Louis finds himself on Harry's bedroom floor sketching some house designs. He's sprawled on his stomach watching the rain fall against Harry's floor to ceiling window. He's feeling much better and Scott has allowed Louis off bed rest. He hasn't discussed work with the boys yet and is dreading the conversation. He wants to go back but knows it will be tough to convince the boys. Harry has been working in his office all morning, Louis hasn't seen him and he misses his voice. Harry has been quite secretive the last day or so and Louis doesn't know what to think.

Harry waltzes Into the room five minutes later, he's dressed in black skinny jeans and a nice dark blue sweater, he's got socks on his feet and his hair is done nicely, he's carrying a tray of fresh fruit and some cinnamon cookies.

"Barb thought you might like a snack darling" Harry says smiling as he sets the tray on the floor next to Louis, he sits down opposite Louis, careful of his drawings.

"Thanks, ummm who's Barb?" Louis asks shyly as he sits up.

Harry laughs.

"Sorry darling, she's my housekeeper, she's been away, seeing family, I'll introduce you" Harry says.

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