Chapter 5

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Nate leaving me after a great night broke my heart into pieces. My head is all over the place. Sometimes I imagine what it's like having him for a week. Other times, I think of what it's like not being with him AT ALL. Why does he always have to do that? Why does he have to ruin everything he starts? I can never hate him. He knows I can never do that. I guess I'm just tired of him and me waiting for each other. Tired of waiting for the right time. When is the right time?

Yes, I walked back alone to Gabby's. I needed time to think, to let off some steam.

"How's your night with Nate? I got your text. He makes up for the lost, what? Two weeks?"

"Gabby not now, please." I beg her. She can be pushy sometimes. Shaking my head is all I can do.

She raises her left hand, shielding herself from my negative aura. "Whoa. Someone's been on a fight."

"Mom will be here any minute to pick me up. Let's not talk about it, ok?" Gabby gestures zipping her lips.

The housekeeper prepares a sumptuous meal for us. We are having a nice and quiet breakfast when my mother honks to let me know she's already outside. I grab my bag and the last piece of toasted bread on my plate.

"Thanks for everything. Let's do this again." I give Gabby a tight hug and ride in the car.

My mom, Jasmin, and I both wave at Gabby goodbye. When we are far enough from the mansion, I finally notice my mom. She looks so tired she instantly aged a year. Being a nurse for more than a decade now, robbed her of the opportunity to gain weight or even find a date. Anyhow, she got off from work sooner than I expected which is a good thing. Early exit is exactly what I needed right now.

"How was your weekend?" She is probing too early in the morning.

I plan to keep the whole drama to myself. "It was fun. I ate so much I feel like I'm going to explode. How was work?"

"Nothing unusual. Just a couple of broken bones, lacerated heads, bloody vomitus and stool. Same old stuff." I cringe with the thought. (Insert vomit face)

"That is so disgusting. Way to start the day, mom."

She teases intentionally and then laughs alone. "Good morning, honey."

Monday is the real deal. Since I promise my mother I'd find work soon, I did not waste time to look for one. I drive around the city hoping to find a job that suits my interest.

The first appointment I have was a disaster. It is with Mr. Hanimmon from the Hanimmon Group of Companies. He offers me an E.A. position (Executive Assistant) but that grandpa wanted me to pull a double duty for him. WHAT A PERV! Then, there is Clean Living who is offering me a laundry job for 3 dollars an hour. Can you believe that?! I am a college graduate for Christ sakes! My hands will look like those of my grandma's and I still won't have enough money to find myself a place to stay.

I drive back home unsuccessful. The truth is I'm still not ready to be responsible for myself. There are things that I want to try first before really getting serious about my future. The constant need to belong clings on me like leech.

I hang the car keys on the wall that says 'keys' and hang my coat in the coatrack. "Mom?" I call out. She's mostly cooking if not working. When she does not answer, I know she's not around.

In the living room, a find a bouquet of pink roses settled in a clear vase. A small letter is attached to it and by the phrase written outside the card, I assume it's from Nate. The card says: I'm sorry. I open it and I'm instantly impressed with his handwriting. Contrary to what most people say about doctors, his penmanship is like a printed form. The letters are so precise that it looks like it is typewritten.

My love, let me make it up to you. Doctors ball tomorrow night. I'll pick you up at 7. – N.

Only then did I notice a white box lying in the sofa. I sit beside it contemplating whether to open it or not. Stupidly staring, my mind wanders off. If I open it, that means, I'm already accepting his apology and I don't think I'm ready for that at the moment. My phone rings all of a sudden, I literally jump at my sit. "Hello?" I answer softly. I check my phone again since I pressed it without looking. It's Cadie.

"I'm coming over. Don't say no. I have pizza." And then she drops the call.

A couple of minutes later, my best friend jumps in the sofa with me.

"Hey! What's up?" Her eyes move from my face to the box resting on my lap. "What's that?" She takes it freely from my hands giving me no time to argue. Cadie stretches the dress and checks her reflection in the small mirror in the living room. "Nate, sent you this?" She straightens the dress on her body and sways back and forth. "He has really good taste. I mean look at this thing. It's gorgeous."

Nate picked for me a pale pink Prada column gown, donned with a pair of sparkling Charlotte Olympia stilettos. I just love the simplicity and elegance of it. Though many times I run from him in anger, his ability to astonish me never ends. Somehow, wearing this dress makes me feel closer to him like I actually mean a deal in his life. I think my anger just went down the toilet.

"Will you help me dress up?" I stand behind her while she still adores the beauty of the gown.

"Oh, honey. You didn't have to ask. Operation Makeover is a green!" She says with too much enthusiasm.

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