Chapter 39

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•Airie's POV•

My phone is ringing with Nathaniel's name appearing on the screen. I can't say it to Kevin straight to his face but he figured it out on his own.

"I think you have to go." He utters softly.

My heart is aching at the sound of his voice. "I'm sorry."

"That's fine, love. I'll see you soon." Kevin caresses my cheek with his knuckle then I take my purse and leave.

I have known from the start that this love story between me and Kevin are full of holes. Dashing men don't usually rescue helpless women. In some cases, like ours, we just happen to have the right kind of understanding at the wrong time.

We've heard that a gazillion times over and it still makes sense. Most of us don't know how inaccurate our expectations and beliefs on how a relationship works.

I love Nate. But I think I'm falling for Kevin. It's crucial. I care for Nate but I don't know if I fit into his dreams anymore. I had outgrown living there. Not only because I met Kevin but I realized that my relationship with Nate is not relatable. I have this fire in me that I can't express to him but can freely, almost naturally, can pour to Kevin. It's frustrating. It's unforgivable. I yearned to try new things but whenever I share this fire with Nate, words fell flat. And I don't know why Kevin understands. How a simple nod conveys understanding like a shared bond.

•Kevin's POV•

Airie grabbed her purse and walked slowly away from me. I was hoping she'll change her mind when she turned around and smiled. But she didn't. She was decided to leave and go on with her life. It sucks. Bali wasn't a dream but it wasn't permanent either. A second passed, I run toward her and hug her from behind. Our bodies melt into each other and the rest of the world stopped.

I whisper in her ear. "One day I'll get it to say it. And when I do, please don't walk away from me."

Airie turns around with her face looking pinched, her eyes glassy. She holds my hand tight enough to let me know that she appreciated everything.

•Airie's POV•

I press Nate's number to call him back. He answers on the first ring which is totally unusual.

"Where are you?" was his opening question, and it sounded almost like an interrogation.

"I'm heading home." I inform him while holding my arm out to get a cab.

"I'll see you there." And then he hangs up. His voice was monotone and he hanged up even before I can say ok.

At home, I see Nate sitting in the sofa looking right at nowhere. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are dead. I approach him slowly with this fear building inside of me that I can't understand.

"Nate?" I begin, afraid to approach him. His body is stiff and the tension between us is just too hard to bear.

"So you're finally here." He speaks to me but something in his voice tells me that he already knew where I've been.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have class?"

Nate now moves from his seat and turns around slowly. "Is that what you want? Not having me around so you can sneak out to see him?"

I stare down on my feet and refrain from answering his question. I'm so doomed right now. He knows.

My heart is beating too fast, too hard, too loud.

His eyes are not blinking and his face ashen. He looks completely defeated.

"Is he any good? Huh? Did he satisfy you every fucking time?"

"What?! No! Don't say things like that, Nate. We..."

"You what?"

My eyes swell and I can't help the tears running down my face.

"Was it easy? Just walking away like that after everything we've been through? Acting like you give a shit about us then just play me for a fool?!"

My breath stops for a second or two. I'm feeling quite dizzy.

"No, Nate. You don't understand. I never meant to hurt you. I..."

"Ha! You never meant to hurt me? Are you serious?!" His face warps to an angry lion ready to attack.

"Nate, I'm so sorry."

"You're sorry for what?! All this time, you've been acting weird and sad and rejected, only to find out that you're cheating on me, with that fucking guy! For how long, Airie? How long?!"

"Nate, please... you don't know how much that took out of me."

"Wow! Because it's too damn easy for me to hear." He says, sarcastically.

"I'm so very sorry I messed up."

"Yeah... you did."

He glares at me with so much pain in his heart as he continues to pour out his sentiments. I, on the other hand, tried to explain my side. "We had endless chances. If I gave up on us, it took everything I had left inside of me to do it."

And he replies, "What you're telling me right now is a total bullshit. You didn't even give me the opportunity to fight for us and for that fucking chance. You just gave up on your own. And as far as I know, we weren't flawless together but at least we weren't a watered down version of it...until I saw you kissing him."

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