Chapter 35

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•Kevin's POV•

I have so much in my mind but I can't put it into words. The best version of life right now is not only having Airie, sitting in front of me on my private plane, but also the tenderness of looking at her eyes smiling.

I'm the fucking lunatic who is madly in love with someone else's girl. Although I have tried several times over to convince myself of her "unavailable" status, she still gets right into my heart, all the time, constantly reminding how fragile mine is, how vulnerable I actually am with her.

I just want her to be mine for selfish reasons like kissing her, hugging her, protecting her, fight with her or for her, buy her stuff she likes, scold her, drive for her, tickle her, make her ice cream, and make love to her. But I can't pressure Airie like that. I can't make her feel obligated to do anything for me. I'm pathetic enough as it is.

She notices my gawking and asks, "What are you thinking?"

Frantic, I drink the wine seated at the side table. It helped me gather my calm, self-assured dignity to talk to her. "Can I tell you something?"

She crosses her legs and tilts her head. "Of course. What is it?"

I embrace another second of her endless beauty and utter, "I'm so happy that you're here. And I want you to know that I'm down for whatever in Bali but only with you."

She smiles to me again that beautiful smile I love.

•Airie's POV•

The way he looks at me with those eyes makes me cringe. Curiosity got the better of me. I can tell he is in deep thoughts because his pupils are hollow. "What are you thinking?" I ask. He starts getting out of control. He gulps the wine as though it was water. It's kinda cute.

Here and now, in this crazy ride we have, I get my strength from him. I focus solely at him so everything else wouldn't matter. Going to Bali may be an escape for both of us or at least for me. A simple escape to the sad truth of this unlabelled secrecy. What he doesn't know is that every second I spend with him feels like the best is yet to come.

"Of course. What is it?" I follow the words in his lips. It charms me whenever he spoke. I hope this goes a while. I can sit here all day and just watch him.

"I'm so happy that you're here. And I want you to know that I'm down for whatever in Bali but only with you."

I am not hanging all my hopes on 'probably' neither will I assume 'who knows what tomorrow brings'. I can only say this... I probably am falling in love with him and whatever tomorrow brings, I will always, always be grateful that our paths collided that night.

"So...What do we do first when we get to Bali?" I ask, somehow expecting a big surprise.

"You'll see." He says with a smug on his face.

After hours of flying, Kevin's private plane landed under the perfect skies of Tanah Lot, Bali. Even though the mist and rain makes it look like Seattle, I still find solitude along the shore. A boobie bird landed on a small tree a few meters away, its chirping and overwhelming beauty is taking me to a sweet haven. Yes, it's actually happening. And when I set my eyes on the gorgeous man next to me, he takes my hand and leads me to a bamboo home that is almost impossible to leave. I can paint in here forever. I imagine painting the skies with a little bit of indigo, yellow, pink and blue, with slashes of white and green to make up the waves in the water.

With so much awe, I tell him, "I've never seen anything like this."

"I know, love. That's because you've never been anywhere else but L.A. I will bring you anywhere you want in the world if you're my girl."

That comment made me think for a moment. I sighed and looked down.

"Come. I'll take you to the best part of the house." He holds my hand and pulls me in.

He leads me to the only room in the bamboo home. I instantly noticed this wedged piece that's carved in a single block of wood and the stone bath amid tropical foliage. Then he let go of my hands, swerved pass the transparent wall and presses the switch. Lights dimmed around and slowly, water flowed down the wall like rain pouring inside the house standing between us. I stare at him and all his glory but that was before I see the biggest, most comfortable bed I could ever imagine.

"I used to look at this place and tell myself that it's my perfect days of probability, you know what I mean? Now that you're here and I look at it again..." he takes a deep breath before he continues, "It's an endless possibility."

Where my brain is, I'm not sure. All I care about at the moment is Kevin, his presence, his words and the white, cottony bed sitting behind him.

"Care to join me outside?"

My mind stops wandering for a second. "What's in there?"

"The thing you've been dying for."

"And that is?"

He moves his head signalling to me to follow him and I did. He opens the glass door where a buffet of food is spread on a round table like treats waiting to be eaten. He's right. I'm starving. I saw a man pick up a coconut and slice it with a machete. I got shivers in my spine but I enjoyed the juice he offered and all the food my heart desired.

Time flied so fast with us laughing together over wine. Kevin realizes it's almost ten in the evening. He then tells me, "We should rest now. Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine. By the way, there's only one bed. Which one of us is moving out of here to get another place?" His eyes are on me but he didn't answer. "Kevin?" I call his name trying to get his attention.

"There's no other roof in this island."

"So you're telling me that we're sharing the bed?"

"If you want to. It's not our first time." He answers. "I'm kidding. I'm taking the couch. You can make yourself comfortable here, ok? I'll just head out for a while."

"You're leaving me alone? Where are you going?" I ask, sounding clingy.

"I have to do one of those vapor thingy." He replies.

"Can I come with you?"

"You don't even smoke." He backfires.

"Can you please...not smoke and stay here with me instead? I'm going to take a bath for a while, I'd feel better if I know you're there."

I already felt naked with his glaring. His silence makes me nervous. He throws the cigarette pack on his already opened bag and says, "Anything you need, love. You're the boss."

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