Chapter 27

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•Nate's POV•

Looking at our pictures, I realized how much I miss my girlfriend.

In the hospital, I get to take care of people and fight for their lives. I see them every day, all these strangers. I watch how they live how they die.

When I was a kid, I have always wanted to be a doctor and now it is all coming true. I literally am a few years near my goal and I will do whatever it takes to get it. I'm certain about two solid things in my life. One, I'm not giving up on my dream. And two, Airie is the girl I wish to marry someday.

While sitting in this comfortable blue chair waiting for Airie to ring me in, I kept our picture together and contemplated flicking through the pages of the morning newspaper I purchased from a small shop nearby. It's a place where people can buy wall to wall crossword puzzles, assorted key chains and lighters. My attention was suddenly caught by a couple sitting next to each other across my direction.

Taking a deep breath, I watch them closely. The guy caresses her face and kisses her hand. The girl responds by running her pointer finger on the tip of his nose. Then they giggle at each other for nothing and kiss incessantly like no one's watching. The door of the cafeteria opens and I immediately imagine that the woman coming in was Airie.

It hit me.

We haven't had that kind of connection anymore. Not lately I mean. The playful kind of love we used to have seems all too distant now. Looking back at the couple, I felt a pinch of jealousy.

My phone rings and Airie is just in time to bring me back to reality.


"Hi. You're all set?"

"I am. Are you still mad at me?"

"How do you feel? The surgery's happening the day after tomorrow, right?" She slays my question with another question obviously avoiding the topic.

"That's right."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. I don't probably say this often but you are definitely one of the most intelligent and dedicated person I know. So I really believe you can make it. You'll be an amazing doctor one day."

"And hopefully a good husband to you."

I wait for her response. She only clears her throat. I tried to find that connection but I couldn't seem to get through.

"Baby, I love you."

It took her more than a second to reply in the weakest tone. "Me too."

"I'll be back in two weeks. See you when I get home?"

I imagine her nodding her head while saying, "be safe."

My beeper rings to queue me that I should get my coffee from the counter. I could sense the excitement of the challenge waiting for me but at the same time, I couldn't hide my fear as I said goodbye to my girl.

In the cab, on the way to the hotel, Dr. Vandyke calls me to discuss once more of this opportunity to work with him. He said he is excited to meet me and in return, I promised him I'd try my best to learn everything he will share to me as fast as I can. My dad called too. He made a speech over the phone, saying how proud he is because of this trip. How he is looking forward spending time together while I'm in New York.

I could feel my heart pulsating. I try as hard as I can to hold back the uneasy feeling growing inside of me. I could be seriously mistaken in all angles but I gathered there's something wrong with Airie.

For the first time, something in my gut tells me that she's hiding something.

Dad picks me up the next day. The last time we saw each other was at the doctor's ball, which didn't end up so well for me and Airie.

Now I'm unsure if coming here was a good decision. It's the first time I am actually away from home. The first time I will be interacting with new people. The first time I will be totally independent and literally miles away from her.


"Nathaniel! How are you, son?" He welcomes me into his arms.

"We encountered a mid-air turbulence but I'm fine."

"It happens all the time. Where's Airie? I thought she said she wanted to see New York."

"Yeah. Well, Airie's quite busy. So..."

"Next time you come here, bring her with you."

"Of course, dad." I answer awkwardly.

"I talked to Vandyke yesterday. We'll have lunch today and then your schedule is clear for the rest of the night." Dad opens the trunk and I slip my luggage in carefully. "Sleep. Get your mind and body conditioned for this week's surgery. I'll be with you the entire time." He shuts the compartment after my things are settled in.

"I'm just watching him, dad. It's not like I'm going to assist him in the surgery."

He stands right in front me, staring.

My jaw drops and my eyes widen when I understood his silence. "You mean? But dad, I'm not prepared for this."

"No one is."

"He trusts me that much?"

"You're my son. He saw potential in you. Plus, you've earned it. The board agrees. You get the part."

"Don't you think that's too much?"

"Not at all. Nate, he has co-surgeons helping him out there. You're a second year resident who is in the hands of amazing neurosurgeons in the world. If you want to be the best in what you do, then you have to try and learn from the best."

"I'm not even sure if Neurosurgery's my forte."

"Maybe tomorrow you'll find out."

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