Chapter 13

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"Airie, Airie, wake up. Hey." A soft voice is calling my name. I open my eyes with Kevin's face an inch away from mine. "Your friends were here. They said they will be at the edge of the cliff." It startles me when I realize I'm sitting inside his car with an empty hand. I'm holding a cup of water, aren't I?

"Are you ok? You look flushed." I'm not sure if his worry is directed to me or his car. I think he thinks I might be puking anytime soon.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Was I sleeping?" This feels weird. I look out the window and the party is now contained. No one's dancing any longer. "I've been sitting here sleeping the whole time?" Too much alcohol is causing my headache and nausea at the moment. I never want to drink again. All I wish right now is a glass of water and some aspirin plus a good old sleep in my bedroom. I'm having one too many hangovers lately.

"Over an hour, babe." There goes that pet name again. "I went to get you some water. When I got back, you're passed out." His twisted smile flashes at me and with a smile like that, any girl would be like an ice cream under the sun. I don't think I'll ever get used to it. "By the way..." Kevin bites his lip to hold a laugh. His dimples deepen effortlessly. "You said my name in your sleep."

Totally mortified, I start sweating like a domestic hog with my mouth and my eyes wide open. Realizing it must be true, I step out of the car without another word. Kevin follows me from behind catching my pace then grabbing me by the arm. "What?!" I snap at him. My mood changes from complete embarrassment. "You were dreaming about me, weren't you?" His smug face begins to touch a nerve. My head is literally pounding. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, you know. I thought it's cute." He rambles again, teasing me incessantly. I just close my eyes for a second and clench my jaw regretting the dream.

We head straight to sit over the edge of the cliff to join the rest of my friends. Each one of them still clings to their dates sweetly, leaving me still paired up to Kevin. For some reason, it is the only way to appreciate the sun appearing above the horizon. At least for the last time before reality checks in. Good thing, he left the teasing in the car and just sits quietly beside me.

"I didn't realize it actually feels good to maintain a certain kind of distance from the world. No noise. No problem. No nothing. Just me and a sweet escape." I speak freely to the cold air surrounding us. The sunrise comes out leisurely. It is the first thing that pierced the dark night. We keep staring ahead at a small warm, rosy glow, completely humbled and in awe. I glance at Kevin and he is watching the sun on his side. As the glare takes its mighty position at the top of the sky, I mutter, "We better get going. It's a long drive."

The world is turning against me. Of all the people in the world, Nate is the last person I want to see right now. I brush my eyes with my fingers since it's too early in the morning. He sits in my bed taking every chance of looking at me while I get up to meet him. He touches my face and kisses my forehead.

After dreaming of someone else, I don't think I can even look at him the same way. My heart is racing. I'm so nervous I'm biting my own nails. I feel so guilty and scared to deal with this destructive aftermath. Last week in the cliff was weird enough.

"Baby, I'm sorry I was out of line." He holds my hand and begins explaining. "I should have believed you. I just don't understand why you had to leave with him instead of talking to me. That guy obviously is nuts for you. Please don't go with him again. I can't stand it. He's not good for you. Trust me." I listen to him absorbing his jealousy. I don't understand why I'm in Kevin's side on this.

"How can you say that? You don't even know him. It's my fault. He just happens to be there conveniently when I wanted to leave."

He loses his temper all of a sudden and I jolt in bed out of surprise. "I know enough to see his motive, Air! He wants you for himself. Stay away from him. Did you know he was an addict? Or he forgot to tell you that part?" I pull out my hands and stop meeting his gaze. It pierces my heart to see him this way. Judging by his action, he wants to say more, to curse more. But fighting me at this point is no good.

"How did you know that about him? Besides, we all have our flaws. I never judged you for yours." Nate just stares at me without responding. "He was there for me when you weren't." His apprehension towards Kevin or me for that matter loosens a bit, turning his crumpled face back to normal.  "Maybe he WAS an addict. I wouldn't know because we never talked about it. He was just always...present. But you, I don't understand how you can always make the one you love feel alone even when you're there." That hit Nate in the gut, hard. His light diminishes in front of me. Personally, I haven't given it much thought. You know, how Kevin and I look together. It's just that, as of the moment, I don't have the energy to even care.

I see the white flag coming. I think he's going to call it a truce, for now.

Nate lets me shower while he toasts some bread. When I'm done, he helps me choose an outfit appropriate for wherever he is about to take me. We get into his car with our stomachs half full, all set to leave. For a moment, he holds the wheel in front of him, "Baby, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. Can you let me do that?" I nod almost to a cry. "But just to be clear, I still don't trust him." And then he kick-start the ignition.

After a long stretch of open road, Nate parks his car below this enormous tree house where leaves fall like a barrier around it. There are poles attached to ropes to help steady the magnificent structure that was made. We just take the built-in stairs and at the very tippy top, it is almost like a miniature home with a bird cage and preserved butterflies. "What is this place?" I ask.

"It's privately owned. They allow couples to have lunch dates in here every now and then. I got us a reservation. It's the largest tree house in the world if I'm not mistaken." He explains proudly. The view from outside the small balcony in the tree house is overlooking the city and we sit in there enjoying the wind, the sky all blue and warm.

"I know I'm not always around, Air. But there's not a day that passes by that I don't think of you. I love you. I need you to know that." I stay quiet during lunch. Nate and I just share a meaningful glance and a secret smile.

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