Chapter 43

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•Tristan's POV same time during the cliff episode•

The clouds break down and rain pours heavily from the sky. I place the bag of money in the trash like he instructed me then turn my face around. Secretly, I pray for my phone to vibrate, hoping to see Yuri's name on the screen. I take another step and it did.

Goodness gracious, it did.

"Yuri? Is Kevin with you?"

"Not yet, sir. But I see him now." He answers in a whisper.

"Good. Good. I just dropped the money and I'm walking back. Tell me you'll get him soon."

"I will. Be careful in there, sir."

"Tristan. Call me Tristan." I encourage him.

I walked straight and didn't look back. My men are on standby, watching Owen's next move. When I reach the end of the lake, Gary grabs my arm in the dark and gestures to keep myself down. Moments later, the head of the team signals something to his men and I know from the briefing earlier that it means great news, for they already have Kevin.

At this point, we are still waiting for Owen to hold the bag and check the money so that the charges would be concrete. It wasn't long when a man finally takes it and checks its content. The police officers spread out like wildfire in the scene, grabbing the man and taking him down. But then, they were hesitant to arrest him right away. I run to see what's holding them back.

When the guy looked up, it was a different person. It wasn't Owen Rivers and he's still out there.

My anger fuelled all the more. The creep has gotten away again. "Can somebody tell me how my son is?" I yell at all of them.

"The kidnappers were arrested and they have your son. However..."

"However, what?!" I snap.

"There was an accident, Mr. Rifle."

"An accident? What do you mean? Is my son hurt?"

"He was brought in the nearest hospital in the area. We don't have any further information on that."

I wipe my face and exhale a huge amount of air from my chest out of frustration. This couldn't be happening.

"I want to see my son. Take that asshole and dig information from him."

"That's our job." The officer answers.

•Yuri's POV•

There's just a lot of stress and fear camping at this hospital while waiting for Kevin to be out in the OR. I'm hipped, wired, tired, mainly due to uncertainty of the seriousness of his condition, while keeping concerned families and friends informed by my almost empty Blackberry. His mother arrived with Madison and Lance, and the two kids on her side. She was hysterical and very emotional so we also had to keep tabs on her. Some doctor took a good look on me as well but I was mostly fine.

Julio came alone and looked just as worried as we all are. I thought he was coming with his girlfriend or Airie but it's only him. Speaking of Airie, whom I called a few times, never answered her phone. I wonder where she is because I know she would want to be here for Kevin.

Tristan arrived, also alone, with a face slackened, brow furrowed and eyes darting about in concern as if he were searching for a place to hide.

"Where is he? What happened?" He asks.

"He's still in the OR."

"Talk to me, Yuri."

"The car went down the cliff before we can even stop it. He fell a little less than five feet down, but it hit a few branches and injured himself because he wasn't wearing any seatbelt. He was just tied up in the chair. I can't say how bad it is for sure, he was conscious when we rescued him. He blacked out inside the ambulance and we haven't heard from the doctors since then." I take a breath and mutter, "I'm sorry."

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