Chapter 12

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My heart is beating faster than usual so I leave it to the alcohol to blur a couple of lines for me and Kevin. Somehow, the lights still reveal my apple cheeks. He finally ends the silence between us. "I hope I did not scare you again or you might be walking away for real this time."

"Is this how you always are with girls?" I master up some courage to question him but already forming a theory in my head, a bad one. "Like you...I don't know...charm your way to get into their pants?" Because the last time Cadie got dumped, it was by a frat leader during our sophomore year in college – Lance. Their ways are the same. He talks like a player. He moves like a player. He looks like a player. His entirety says he's a player.

Obviously hurt by my assumption, he defends himself. "Is that how you think of me? That I'm just some lame asshole lurking around, sweet-talking every beautiful girl I meet so I can take them home and sleep with them?" I find myself weird for blushing even more when he called me beautiful. I must be out of my mind. "You think I need to charm my way to their pants? Why? You think I'm charming?"

I let out a forced sigh. I can't believe that's the only thing he got from everything I just said. I snap at him. "No. Get over yourself." Kevin laughs a little, showing that perfect teeth. It's annoying how he still looks so fresh and glowing even after getting soaked.

"I think you just said I'm charming." He touches my nose with his finger, emphasizing the "you" part and cackles again. "No, I didn't." I sound unconvincing. "Sure you did." He repeats just to annoy the hell out of me.

I attempt to cover up the grin in my lips. He does the same and his left dimple deepens from his face. It's nice that we're getting comfortable around me each other now. That being said, I lead him back to the dance floor. I am in command clearing our path and clapping to the beat of the drums. I have to thank the alcohol for giving me this bizarre confidence. 

The heightened celebration is enough to get a piña colada or three into our hands. Waiters prepare a wave of tequila shots and tropical-hued cocktails over for everybody. I taste all of them. I've never been this carefree before. I feel like no matter what I do or look at the moment, nobody's going to judge me or make me feel small. As the crowd continues to declare their love for rock and roll, it didn't take long before I decide to tone down a notch, for my sake.

Kevin offers his hand to catch my weight while I pant heavily. We walk amidst the party toward his Mustang. The background music suddenly turns to a slow, sweet song. He unlocks his car with just one press and assists me, even preventing me, from bumping my head. "You can rest here for a while. I'll go get you some water."  This time he need not have to shout. The melody is so soft that his angelic voice echoes beautifully in his car.

"Boooo!!!" I tease him and pout. I couldn't help the stupid smile on my face. The alcohol is slowly taking over my senses.

The happy hour vibe continues to increase and from afar I can vividly see my girls totally forgetting about my existence and just enjoying their partners. The more I move, the dizzier I get. So I lean back on the chair while I continue watching the crowd's buoyant spirits.

I am surprise to see Kevin appearing so suddenly beside me. He always does that. It's creepy if you ask me. He returns with two cups of water in his hands and another cup he carries between his teeth. I take one glass from him. He places the other two on the windshield. "Can I ask you something personal?" He begins to get serious so I sit properly and face him on the driver seat. He watches me for a moment.

"Shoot." He must be enjoying this vibrant attitude I have towards him due to excessive alcohol intake. I mostly enjoy looking at him. He's a looker. I'll give him that.

"Do you have any regrets in life, Air?" Air? I only met him three times. That doesn't give him the right to call me Air. Still, I answer his question honestly. "Of course, I do. I just don't regret the things that happened though. Only the moments I wish I did something, anything, but was afraid to."

Kevin gazes deeply into my eyes and renders that soft and genuine smile. He breaks his stare on me for a few seconds then locks it again compelling me to focus on him. We sit progressively closer to each other. I don't understand but somehow I feel like there's this tension building between us - in a good way - a slow, growing intimacy I fight so hard to erase. He tries to touch my face with his finger and then backs away, swallowing hard. "I like you." He says to almost a whisper facing the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry, what?" His confession dumbfounded me. I swallow the hard lump on my throat. Everything around us; the people, the music, seem more consuming until drops of water start to fall from the sky. The small drops turn to bigger drops slowly pouring.

"I said I like you." Kevin admits it again this time louder. But I heard him the first time. "You don't understand, Air. I LIKE YOU. And every day I'm starting to get scared of how strong I feel about you." We sit in the middle of nowhere with our hairs intact to our faces and our clothes dry. The rain gets heavier so I literally and emotionally freeze in front of him not knowing what to say or do. "Are you even listening to me?" His tone is discouraged as I made no response. My eyes couldn't leave his and the little space between us. "I can't fucking explain what I feel when I'm thinking about you." He brushes his hair in frustration. I finally realize that the reason I'm sitting there motionless is because I'm trying to catch my breath. "It's the worst kind of sad. Having this stupid feeling with somebody I can't even have."

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