Chapter 34

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•Kevin's POV•

The pain of these old memories run very deep. I'm scarred by the fights, the recriminations, and the fallout from arguments that today just revealed. I wish my parents could think for a moment what they are doing with their lives as they are clearly affecting mine. I am over twenty, and the story goes back to when I was still a baby.

"Lydia!" I call out loud. My secretary comes rushing inside my office upon hearing my voice. "Cancel all my appointments today. Try to reach Madison. Tell him I want to talk to him and send Yuri now."

"Yes, sir." She replies and leaves quickly.

I watch my mother sitting on my office couch. She's so quiet, giving the window the death stare. Her face glazes for a split-second and then she frowns again. Her lips pursed together, her eyes unblinking this time.

"I'm so sorry, son. Please, forgive me." She utters again with tears streaming down her smooth face.

"I know and I have. Please stop crying. You're exhausted. I'm bringing you home."

"Your father loves you, Kevin. He loves you in the most crappy and twisted way." She explains, her eyes still staring blankly at the sky. "He doesn't understand the concept of truth because he's never known anything other than lies. My lies. My freaking lies. They all piled up."

"Mom, we'll talk about it again soon. For now, I want you to rest. Ok?"

We are interrupted by the sudden beep on my landline. I press the button to answer my secretary's call.


"Mr. Madison is on line two, sir."

"Thank you."

I immediately press the second button and spoke. "Madison?"

"Where's my wife? Is she with you?"

"Don't worry, she's here. I'm taking her home."

"Can I talk to her? She left so early this morning. I'm so worried. I almost called the police."

"She's fine. I just called to let you know."

"Please tell her that I'll wait for her. I'm taking a day off at work. I'll see her at home."


"What's that, Kevin?"

"Thanks for taking good care of my mom."

•Airie's POV•

"Flowers for Miss Eloise," announces a bearded Indian guy.

"That would be me."

"Please sign here, ma'am." He instructs me and hands over a huge bouquet of wild Peonies in pink, peach and white. I take a moment to inhale its scent. I never had a thing with flowers before but this one is really pretty.

"And they are from whom?" Cadie bumps her hip against mine as a habit.

"I'm not sure yet." She obviously does not believe a word I say but she accepts my explanation anyway. I never bother to open up. I have a feeling this is from Kevin so I covered the small card while opening it and it read:

I want to get my shit together with you. Be mine. - KR

"That's so pretty. Who sent you the flowers?" Ellie appears from the kitchen and admires my bouquet.

"No one." I pull the card to my chest.

"Well, if it's a secret, it is not good." Gabby adds.

I look down on my feet, feeling guilty. A few minutes later, my phone rings.

"Meet me in Pastels. I really need to see you."

The call drops as quickly as he spoke. I look at Cadie who is also looking at my direction and all I could do is mouthed, "I'm sorry."

I left in that same instant and met him in this small cafeteria where we usually see each other secretly. Kevin stood from his seat looking dashing in his grey suit. Our eyes are communicating with each other. Our thoughts aligned. His eyes, as always, are on me, and only me. Like there's no other person in the room.

In every story, the bad guy is the easiest to spot. Not only is he wearing black, but he also has the nice car and the perfect hair. And you know how sometimes the bad guy looks. They're beautiful, not in the way they look but just the way they are. That's Kevin for me.

I sit beside him and ordered a cup of coffee. Kevin, on the other hand, is already having tea. He starts the conversation with, "We're leaving for Bali this weekend."

"What?" I panicked.

"You heard me."

"Kevin, I have never been away from my mom. She'll freak out. What would I tell her?"

"I'll take care of it. Actually, I took care of it."

"What do you mean you took care of it?"

"Like how normal people do it. I asked for her permission."

"And she said yes?"

"She said yes. I'm just waiting for yours. Actually I don't care if you said no. We're going."


He holds my hand and whispers, "Fly to Bali with me, or I will take you there by force."

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