On a Side Note,

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okay so here's the deal,, i wasn't proud of the author's note; i was drugged or something because i sounded like a 8 year old- so here i am making a new one, at like 3 am,, hopefully less drugged.

i might include smut later on when it feels less cringey,, who am i kidding, it will always be cringey- but i'll think about it

if any story elements seem similar to any other stories then that totally a coincidence or my unoriginal self coming to play,,

either way,, fair warning before you start reading: i'm gonna make baekhyun the tensest idiot in the story. who doesn't love a dumbass now? ahem, me but let's move on

also keep in mind this shit is coming from a weird ass 14-15 year old who has never fallen in love before so idk how this will look when finished-

there might be a few cliches but bare with me,, i need to make it interesting somehow

*if you dislike my writing style or how the story is taking route, you don't need to continue, just leave

alright, thank you, enjoy this;

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