More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love Story

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A voice rang in my head. I kept running never looking back.  I dont know what this is, I dont know what it does but all i have to do is run. Large footsteps were heard behind me as i triped and fell to God who knows what. An evil laugh sounded out.

"No where to run now human," the Purple thing with spider legs said in an evil tone as iits purple eyes starred into my brown ones.

my optics closed, expecting her to come grab me or knock me out but nothing happens. As I opened my eyes I saw that the thing was no more but a blue/ pink two wheeler was fighting with her.

"RUN!" She screamed out as I scrambled up and ran for my life.

'What's going on? What's happening?' I thought as I kept on running.

"YOU FOOL MEGATRON WILL HAVE MY HEAD IF I RETURN EMPTY HANDED!" The evil thing yelled as her voice echoed in the forest.

As I was running in front of me a swirl of green and blue portal thing opened as i couldn't help but run inside before i stopped myself. When I came out from the other side more giant things were surrounding  me as they all looked at me.

"Another Human Optimus?" An white and orange dude who looks like an ambulance says.

"this one must be special for the Decepticons were after her," A red and blue thing said as he crouched down to my level.

"I am Optimus Prime leader of the Autobots, you and your world are in most danger,"

before I had time to say anything else, I have blacked out.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now