Chapter Eight: Get Rid Of Her

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I was shocked. Beyond shocked on what just happened with Alena. My body was still aching for many times as she threw me to the ground. I was shaken as I slowly stood up.

“get rid of her,” I whispered as Optimus's eyes widened.



“RATCHET!” Optimus yelled but stopped as a sudden gasp was heard.


she shook her head as she ran out the base.

“ALENA!” Optimus yelled as he glared at me before running after her.

Alena's POV

'Unicron's Daughter? What the hell? Does this mean mom and Jack arn't my real family this whole time...? '

tears weld up in my eyes as I ran faster. I didn't care where I went I just ran until I knew I was far from the base. Optimus just had to drove in front of me.

“MOVE!” I shouted with tears as his engines roared to life.

He didn't do anything as he transformed back to his normal size. I began to back up.

“please im a danger to you all im Unicron's daughter I shouldn't be here anymore,”

Optimus said nothing as he kept walking towards me. The more he walked the more I backed up.

“I dont want to hurt you please stop,”

he didn't listen as his giant hand went to grab me as I screamed when he transformed and strapped me to his seat. He began to drive further away from the base.

“Optimus where are you taking me?”

no answer.



I stopped struggling after a while. I sighed as I sat in the seaat as he was still driving. And for reasons unknown giving me the silent treatment. We finally stopped at a park, there was no one around as the stars twinkled in the night lit sky. Optimus transformed and transformed once more to a smaller size. My eyes widened as I saw Optimus in human form. He had bright blue hair, beautiful ocean blue eyes, a slim body and who looks about my age. He came up to me as we were face to face.


my eyes widened even more as he smashed his lips down on mine. My eyes kept open in shock as he continued to kiss my lips. After a while I began to finally kiss him back, with my eyes closed and me having my hands tangled in his nice, soft, blue hair.

“Why did you pull away?” I asked as we were both panting.

Our foreheads were against each other's as his hands were on my cheeks. He kissed the bridge of my nose, then my forehead.

“Alena you are not a danger to us. Especially to me. I dont care if you are Unicron's daughter I still like you for the way you are. I remember when I first layed my Optics on you I knew you were the one for me I know it sounds bad but I want to protect you Alena and you alone. My spark yerns for you and I dont know why but it does. I guess what im trying to say is.... will you be mine Alena?”

tears welded up in my eyes after that beautiful speech he gave me. I kissed him hard on the lips but before he could kiss back, I pulled away.

“does that answer your question?” I asked with a smile as he smiled back.

“indeed.... Alena I will protect you from Unicron no matter the cost but the others must not know about us understand?”

“but why?”

“Alena I am an organic Alien Robot and you are a mere human if the others were to see me with you especially Jack I would not want to be questioned by your brother or the autobots,”

I nodded.


“lets go home shall we?” he asked as he went back to his regular self and tranformed into a truck.

I nodded my head as I hopped in.

“we shall,”

A/N: OMG I Am sooooooooooooo sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for not updating at all for awhile first i had writers block witch i normaly dont have then i have school now and since im a Junior it means more homework and less writting i hope you guys enjoy this chapter

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now