Chapter Twenty One: Decisions

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Alena's POV

I was alone out in the streets. It was cold, raining, windy. I dragged my bags on the ground with my hair covering my eyes.

I gasped in shock as my eyes returned to normal. Jack was hurt he had a scratch on his head and Ratchet was down on the ground. I backed away but to only find Bulkhead and the others behind me.

You dont belong here you've caused enough trouble as it is why dont you just leave already nobody but Optimus wants you here and im sure when he wakes up he'll hate you for eternity,” Bulkhead explained as Arcee nodded in aggrement.

Im sorry I really am,” I say before I ran passed them and out the door.

“hey watch it lady,” I heard someone say as I accidently bumped into there shoulder.

“sorry,” I mumbled sadness filling inside my voice.

Optimus's POV

The base was destroyed by Alena. Or at least the medical room is.

“that monster I see shes no different from a decepticon,”

“She cant help herself Ratchet do you not relize Unicron is inside of her? Thats why shes done this she cant control herself,”

“Optimus look what she done to her own brother for Primus sake open your eyes Optimus are you so blinded by love that you cant see the danger she is to us? She can destroy us just by looking at us shes more powerful than Megatron,”

I looked over at Jack as he had a bandaged wrapped around his head as his mother was there conferting him.

“we have to find her,”

“why? So next time we can all die?”

“shes pregnant..... with my child,”

everyone's eyes widened as June gasped in shock.


“NOT NOW JUNE!” I yelled at her fustrated as I didn't want to hear her lectures.

“shes pregnant ok Unicron's inside of her could hurt the baby if her energy is prevoked dont you see it now why I want her back? Not only because shes with child but because I love her. Alena and I have been together for quite sometime and June I did not mean to make your daughter have baby, I didn't even know that she would.... im sorry I understand that you hate me but we have to find your daughter before something bad happens to the both of them,”

everyone's eyes were still widened with shock.

“a human? You got a human Pregnant..... unbelieveable Optimus,” Arcee said as she stumbled back a little bit.

“what you say? Are yall with me in finding Alena?”

“no, if you bring her back im leaving Optimus there is no way im going to have a human be the end of me,”

“Ratchet we need you,”

“why? Because im the doctor of the autobots? Im sorry Optimus but im out she hates me and has even tried to kill me think of the danger your putting the humans in Optimus. Why dont you think about that before you go after your precious Alena,” he said before he transformed and drove away.


“Let him go Optimus if Ratchet wants to leave then let him but hes not wrong were putting these four humans at risk by bringing back Alena, Jack's already been hurt once I cant let him get hurt again im sorry Optimus but im out Jack wanna eome with me?”


“no sorry Arcee Jack needs his rest,”

“but mom im not a baby anymore,”

“no shes right see you later,” Arcee said as she also transformed and left base.


“Optimus I love you as a brother and everything but I cant afford to put Miko in danger shes important to me Miko lets go to a truck rally or something,”

“Rock on Bulkhead,”

he transformed as he left.


he beeped translation:

“Sorry Optimus Raf cant be in danger with Alena we dont want her angry and to blow up the whole base sorry Optimus im out Raf wanna go?”

he nodded his head as Bee transformed and left with Ratchet. I stood there broken knowing that my whole team has turned against me.

A/n im back guys new chapers will be on the way hope yall enjoy this one

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