Chapter Four: Dark Energon?

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Wheeljack made it to my work on time. Jack and I share the same shifts so when hes over at the autobot base I can take his shift. I do it for extra pay.

“alright kid I guess I'll be here to pick you up what time?”

“4:30 remember that Wheeljack,”

“sure sure see ya,” he says before speeding off.

“YO ALENA GET INSIDE YOUR LATE!” My boss yelled at me as I jumped and turned around when he was there.

I bowed.

“sorry sir,” I say before I run inside.


I was covered in grease from work today. I got cooking duty since Jack took the 'may I have your order' position. I smiled as I saw Wheeljack with his door already opened as I ran in and got in.

“woah kid your covered in grease try not to ruin my seats ok?” he asks as he begins to drive.

I rolled my eyes.

“told you the name's Alena,”

“alright Sunshine I'll call you by your name,”

“Sunshine is not my name either Wheeljack,”






“NO!” I shouted now fustrated.

“ha just messin with ya Alena humans are so easy to mess with, I know your name,”

I grin.

“thats more like it so tell me about yourself Wheeljack,”

“well im a wreaker if thats what your wonderin,”

“whats a wreaker?”

“we intend to destroy things that come in our way Bulk's one to thats how I met him and we became great friends back in Cybertron,”

“pretty cool is the whole gang there?”

“yeah but Optimus is hurt pretty bad,”

I gasp.

“what happened to him?”

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