Chapter Eleven: Protect

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I stood there broken, watching Alena leave before my eyes.

go to her Prime, she was ment for you,” I heard a voice that sounded like Alpha Trion say in my mind.

“she wont listen,”

Decepticons Prime, Decepticons,” he said before his voice faded away.

“ALENA WAIT!” I shouted as I transformed and quickly went after Alena.

My Alena.

Alena's POV

I was still on the run. Panting as my breath became short. I finally stopped to take a breather as I was panting like crazy. I heard a roar of an engine and knowing its Optimus I took off running once more until I was finally in a dark ally. He parked there, as his headlights were turned off and he transformed into human mode.

“Alena please answer me, Alena I love you dont let Unicron destroy us... I will do everything in my Spark to save you from him but going to Megatron is never the answer, please answer me Alena I will make this right think about your mom, your brother at least,”

“There not my real family,” I say but gasp as I ment not to talk.

“they took you in though did they not? They loved you did they not? Unicron didn't do any of those tings, in fact during June's story of finding you she saw you wrapped in a blanket near a ditch! Is that what a father should do?”

“Maybe it was my real mother protecting me from my father,”

“you dont even know who your real mother is why dont you stop thinking about her and think about the one who raised you, if it wasn't for her, I would of never ment a talanted, beautiful woman known as Alena Darby you maybe Unicron's daughter but I dont care about that, I need you with me Alena because without you... im nothing,”


he frowned.

“I see..... I guess this is goodbye then Alena,” he said with sadness in his voice as he turned around and was about to walk off.

I bit my lip deciding what I should do.

“WAIT OPTIMUS!” I shouted as I was going to run after him, but my shoe broke off and I fell down on the ground.

I wimpered in pain as I grabbed my ankle.

“ow,” I say as I looked at it to see it was bruised a little.

I saw a shadow hover above me, I looked up to see it was Optimus Prime himself back in his original form. He looked down at me.

“Are you alright?”

“no my ankle hurts, guess I learned my lesson never run in flip flops,” I saw with a chuckle as I took off my shoe.

“maybe Ratchet will-”

“no no he hates me enough as it is Optimus... listen im sorry for earlier I dont know what I was thinking,”

“you were scared Alena and I understand that,” he went back to human form. “but just know I'll always be there to protect you no matter what,” he said before his lips captured mines.

A small tear escaped my eye as I kissed him back. With my hands I placed them on his shirt coller to pull him closer to me. Sparks flew as he slipped his tounge uninvitedly into my mouth. The feeling of it was weird, but it was also full of passion and love into it as well. When we parted I was blushing like crazy.


“now do you believe me when I'll protect you?”

I nodded my head while hugging him.

“thanks Optimus for everything,”

he hugged back.

“you are welcome Alana I will do anything for you,”

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now