Chapter Five: Not Normal

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Next Day

Alena's POV

I awoke with a knock on the door.

“Ratchet?” I called as he avoided his optics to look at me.

“Alena I need to run some tests on you,”

I frowned deeper.

“and why's that?”

“its just that.... I need to see if you are well and if there's anything wrong with you,”

“nothing's wrong with me Ratch im perfectally fine,” I told him with a smile.

Ratchet's POV

I couldn't look at her. After what I saw yesterday its just so hard to look at her normal again.

“Ratchet look at me,” she says as I hesitate but do as told.

My optics widened as her eyes were once again glowinig purple as she begin to walk towards me. I tried my best not to move but when I moved back I tripped on something and landed on my butt. Alena walked on my body as she starred at me with those purple eyes.

“I will not be examined do you understand me Ratchet?” she asked in a death tone as I shakily nodded my head.

“Alena?” I heard Miko say as her eyes went to normal as she gasped and looked at me.

“Oh God Ratchet what happened? Why am I on top of you?” she asks as she hops down on me.

I got up as I stood up and quickly left the room.

“MEETING NOW!” I shouted for the autobots as they began to surround me.

“whats wrong Doc?” Bulkhead asked with a raised eyebrow.

“That Alena girl her body is infused with dark energon,”

“what how?” Arcee asks.

“I dont know how I asked for her examination and she literally looked like she was ready to take out my spark,”

“look? How did she look?”

“her eyes glow a dark purple like dark energon and her veigns also will be purple its like half her body is covered in purple then she doesn't remember a thing,”

“hey Ratchet,” Alena said as my eyes widened when I looked at her.


“Optimus wants you hes awake,” she said before running back to med bay.

“shes a happy spirited child Ratchet are you sure what you said was right?” Bulkhead asked with a raised optic ridge.

“you will just have to behold yourselves,”

I heard voices before I walked into the med bay. I hid behind a wall as I slowly peered my head in.

“Examine you?” Optimus asked as she was on his chest plate.

“yeah and I dont know why he thinks theres something wrong with me... is there something wrong with me Optimus?”

Optimus smiled as he moved a strand of hair back behind her ear.

“no Alena nothings wrong with you, your a good child,”

I cleared my throat as I walked in.

“sorry im late its good to see you well Optimus,”

“yeah you took good care of him Ratch he wants to know if it is ok for him to walk around the base,”

“hmm let me just check on him first I need you to get off of him Alena,”

Alena got up as she got into a crouch position and attempted to jump, but Optimus began to panic.

“woah Alena here I'll let you down,” he says as he grabbed her and set her gently down on the ground.

She turned and smiled up at Optimus.

“thanks Optimus say you've been cooped up in that seat for a while wanna stretch your legs and head out?”

he nodded as I did a scan on Optimus. It was fully green as I took out the cables that were on him as he got up.

“Optimus there is something you must know first about Alena,” I whispered in a low tone.

Alena's POV

I looked at the two in confusion as they whispered about something. Optimus looked over at me with a questionable look.

“shes a normal human Ratchet,” Optimus whispered out loud.

“but shes not all the way normal Optimus listen to what im saying she has-” I didn't hear the last part as he whispered it to low.

“everything ok Optimus?” I asked as I looked at the two.

“of course Alena everything is fine, Ratchet we'll talk later I shall be back,”


Optimus got out of the table and walked over towards me as his hand lowered. I smiled as I got on it and he lifted me up.

“so what was the talk about?”

“nothing important is there any particular place you'd like to go?”

“yeah I know this guy who can give you a good paint job,” I told him with a smile.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now