Chapter Thirteen: Fear

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Optimus's POV

I awaited for my Alena after her school system. Around me I heard people talk about her.

“did you see the way Alena fliped out today? My God whats wrong with that girl?” one whispered to the other.

“I heard she spazed out because of Vince,”

“wonder if shes ever going to show up again,”

“probably not I know I wouldn't,”

I saw the children abord there autobot guardians, but Jack is the one that came to me.

“Optimus is Alena with you back at base?” he asked as his hair covered his eyes.

“no otherwise I wouldn't be here,”

“something very bad has happened to Alena Optimus we'll talk once we head back to base,” he says before he left on Arcee.

I followed suit.

Alena's POV

I was strapped down to the examination table. A red bot known as Knockout was examining me.

“my dark energon?” Megatron asked while looking at him.

He turned off the scanner as he sighed.

“Well theres bad news, the dark substance is inside her heart, slowly devouring her until there is nothing left but utter hatred and destruction the only way to get it out of her is to kill her,”

“proceed to the operation doctor,”

“yes my liege as you wish,” he says with a bow as his hand turned into a saw.

“this will only hurt a lot,”

the saw got closer to me but I showed no signs of emotion or fear to it at all.


I heard my dad said once I closed my eyes.

kill,” he said once again as I opened my eyes.

They were a bright purple as Knockout flew back and hit the wall.

“YOU SCRATCHED MY PAINT YOU GLITCH!” He shouts as he tried running at me again but I lifted him up into the air and back down, in the air and back down tons of times until he was completely knocked out.


I glared over at Megatron and smiled at him. Somehow I was finally able to get out of the bonds as my hair covered my eyes.

“You think you can destroy my daughter you weak minded fool?” I heard my dad say as I looked at Megatron with deep purple eyes.

His eyes were widened with horror and shock as he growled.

“I WILL NOT LET A MERE HUMAN DESTROY ME!” He shouted as he activated his cannon and fired it.

I smiled even more as the cannon went straight through me, but I did not get hurt.

“Fool you can not defeat me or my daughter we are one and for as long as this dark energon is controlling her I have complete utter control over my daughter for the time being,”

Megatron's face went wide with fear as I began to walk towards him. Megatron flew back 20 feet from me as my eyes glowed.

“I WILL TEAR THIS WORLD APART!” I/ dad screamed as my hands turned into a purple like color.

I laughed as the warship exploded.

Optimus's POV

“She what?” I asked Jack as he was telling me the story of what happened.

“Its like she lost total control over herself Optimus that was not my sister I came to love something controlled her I think it was Unicron again,”

“and you have no idea where she went at all?”

“no sorry Optimus,”

“TRACK HER SIGNAL NOW!” I yelled at Ratchet panicking for she could be hurt or worse dead.

Ratchet began typing on the computer his eyes went wide as a red signal popped up.

“thats weird,” he said mostly to himself.

“what is it Alena?” I asked as I ran towards the computer.

“Megatron's signal poped online its faint but hes alive,”

“Alena,” I said as I had closed my optics.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now