Chapter Fourteen: Monster

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Unicron's POV

I walked out from underneath the rubble as I turned around and looked at the destruction we have made. The ship was torn into pieces, Decepticons layed either dead or injured on the spot. A bridge opened as out came Optimus and the others. They looked at Alena for she had emotionless eyes because of me. I smiled as I slowly slipped away into my daughter's heart.

Alena's POV

My eyes widened as I felt like myself again. Standing before me was shocked autobots and myself. I looked at my hands and then at the mess I have created. Tears formed in my eyes.


“Dont im a monster,” I whispered shocked still looking at my hands as I backed away.

Optimus was coming towards me, but I shook my head and ran the other direction.

“ALENA WAIT!” I heard him shout but I didn't listen as tears blured my vision.

Optimus's POV


“Woah Optimus shes dangrous look what she did to the Decepticons,” Bulkhead said as he grabbed my shoulder to stop me from running.

“Alena's not dangrous she just needs help and understanding,”

“WAIT WHAT ABOUT THE CONS?!” He yelled before I transformed and went after Alena.

I followed Alena's trail until it led me down to another alley.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” I heard her shout as I transformed into human and walked over to Alena.

“Alena darling are you ok?” I asked her as I touched her shoulder when her hands were on her head.

When she looked up at me the wind was rushed to my face as I flew into a pile of trashcans. Alena was walking towards me with her eyes and hands glowing.

“Prime I will tear your spark apart,” Unicron/ Alena said once she was hovered above me.

Her hand glowed to a bright purple as it rose above my head. My eyes widened as she gave me an evil smile but stop as the hand hesitated to swoop down.

“n-n-n-no O-O-Optimus g-g-get a-away,” she said as she grabbed her own hand to try and push it back.

“you fool kill him kill the Prime listen to your father,” he said as she began swinging her arm around as her eyes went from purple to her natural brown colored state.

“Y-Y-YOU DONT EARN THE TITTLE OF FATHER!” she shouted before a big purple light has surrounded Alena.

I had shielded my eyes.

Bulkhead's POV

The bridge was open as we were pulling the cons out of the rubble. The ones that were alive were being treated back at base. Sound's crazy I know but were Autobots and we dont want them going down like this, especially at the hands of that possessed human freak Alena. I was carrying a drone back to base but the ground shook as I turned around to see a big purple light not far from here.

“Any idea whats going on?” Arcee asked as she was dragging a drone.

“must of been Unicron's daughter that human Alena,”

“Im still trying to figure out why in the world would Optimus wanna keep something so dangrous back at base?”

“Well we know for sure the cons were after her but knowing what she did to them I highly doubt they would try again,”

“so should we worry about the light?”

“well were pretty busy over here lets just worry about getting these guys back to base,”

Optimus's POV

Once the light finally died down Alena fell on the ground with her eyes closed. Without thinking, I ran up to her and felt her pulse. I sighed as she was still breathing but it was shallow and heavy. I returned to my normal form and transformed as I placed Alena inside the truck with her seat belt wrapped tightly around her.

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