Chapter One: How it all began

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24 hours earlier

“BIG BROTHER!” I yelled as I ran over to him and jumped on his back.

“woah Alena a little big there your crushing my back,” he says in a playful tone as I got off of him.

“I am not fat Jackson Darby,”

he chuckled as he ruffled my hair.

“just messin with ya sis wanna ride?” he asked while handing me a helmet.

“sure but I will never understand how mom allowed you to get this kind of motercycle,” I say as I got on the bike.

“she thinks im responsible now I am 16 after all,”

I rolled my eyes.

“just wait till I turn 16,”

“HEY ALENA!” I heard my best friend Miko yell as she ran over to me.

“Miko whats up?”

“I was wondering if you maybe wanna go see slash monkey with me? There in town today,”

I grinned.

“sure think Miko I'll go,”

“BOO YA!” She says with a fist in the air.

“See ya later,”

I watched as Miko drove off in a green car.

I sighed as I held on to Jack's waist as we were driving. We made it to work.

“thanks Jack,”

“no prob my shift's not until tomorrow but I'll come pick you up at 4:30,”

I smiled and nodded as I hopped off and grabbed him the helmet.

“see ya bro,”

he smiled as he waved before taking off.

Jack's POV

“Your sisters something Jack, shes a normal teen and lets hope it stays that way,” Arcee said aswe were driving back to base.

“why cant my sister find out about you guys? Sure she'll freak but she wont tell besides I hate having to keep her in the dark,”

“sorry Jack there will be no one to protect her plus I dont wanna ruin her daily life anyways,”

I sighed as we entered base.

“dont forget Bulk slash monkey tonight,” Miko said to her guardian as I smiled a bit.

I got off of Arcee as she transformed and went to talk to Optimus.

Alena's POV

I sighed as I looked at my phone time.


and Jack's still not here. He never bails but maybe something came up.

“I would call mom but shes busy so I guess I'll just walk,” I say to myself as I went in the forest.

I held on to my arms as I gasped and turned around, but to only see a bird chirp and fly away. I was never found of a forest most likley because well... I watch to many horror movies that has to deal with a forest. Stupid I know but I cant help it. I turned around as I heard a twig snap.

“Alena Darby is it not? Lord Megatron is in need of you,” I heard something say as there purple eyes came out from the trees.

PRESENT DAY (next day)

I awoke on a table as I gasped and sat up. I looked around to find me in some weird looking room.

“I see you have awaken,” the one known as Optimus said as he walked in the room.

“w-w-what are you?”

“an Alien Robot from Cybertron,”

“why are you on our earth?”

“because our home world was destroyed by Megatron,” he says as he begins to show me the history with his optic/eye.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now