Chapter Fifteen: Confession

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Alena's POV

My eye vision was blury at first when I first opened them, but when I finally regained my vision I heard a little scream and large footsteps backing away. I turned my head to see Ratchet look at me in fear.

“Ratchet whats going on?”

once he heard my normal voice he took a deep breath and relaxed a little.

“You've been out for quite sometime Alena I was afraid if you'd wake you'd be Unicron again,”

I looked down.

“Im sorry for being so much trouble,” I say as I put my knees up and wrapped my arms around them and I rested my head on them.

“yeah me to, but you missed out a lot. We saved the Decepticons lives but if only because we do not want them to parish that way. It sounds dumb I know but-”

“no it doesn't sound dumb. Its my fault anyways for murdering the Decepticons,” tears began to form as I burried my head inside my knees. “Unicron will keep using me as long as I have this dark energon lodged in my heart... hes my dad theres no stopping him,”

“Alena we will-”

“Alena,” Jack said as I put my face up to look at im with sadness in my eyes.

“Jack.... what are you doing here?”

“came to check up on my little sister thats all,”

I looked down again as I avoided his gaze.

“Jack.... you know im not your real sister,”

“Ratchet do you mind giving us some alone time?”

“ummm... yes of course try not to make her angry,” he said as he left.

Jack went to sit next to me on the bed.

“Sis... I know your not my real sister but that doesn't mean I still dont care about you. Alena I love you like a sister weather you are or aren't. Were family even if you are Unicron's daughter I will still treat you like I always have since we were little,” he paused as he wrapped an arm around me. “Your my little sister Alena forever and always no matter what you do its never your fault. Your father is the one who takes control over you and-”

“but I cant stop him. My body will just give in to him.... Jack.... I- I dont know what to do, I dont want to hurt the ones I love,”

“like Optimus?”

my eyes widened.

'how'd he-?' I thought.

“Its pretty obvious sis I mean the way he protects you, he looks at you and how he even threaten his own comrades just to protect you. That wasn't the Optimus I knew before now when you come in the picture he changed so with that being said I kinda figured out whats going on,”

“but what I want to know is... why him? I mean hes a giant alien robot sis ever thought of that? They live forever while your only human,”

“not technically Jack im Unicron's daughter witch makes me part organic, and to answer your question I like Optimus because hes kind, sweet, and a caring gentlemen. I know what he is but race shouldn't matter. He cares for me like nobody else can, he doesn't fear me like everybody else does...”

“I dont fear you and you know I care about you because im your brother,”

“Oh yeah what if you weren't my brother would you fear me then?” I asked with a straight face anger coming at my eyes.

Nothing was said.

“yeah I thought so,”

I swung my legs over and got up from the bed, at first a little wobbly but then I composed my posture and walked out the bay without looking back.

Jack's POV

I sat where she was last and just starred at the wall. If I wasn't her brother would I have been afraid of her? Would I have been distance of her like everyone else? No I probably wouldn't. At first maybe but......

I sighed as my frown had deepened.

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