Chapter Sixteen: Everything happens for a reason

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Alena's POV

“Alena can I talk to you?” Optimus says as he knocks on my door.

My room was very dark and depressing like as I stuffed my face in my pillow.

“go away,”

the door opened anyways.

“Alena its dark you need to shed some light in here,” he says as he turns on the light.

I growled.

“its to bright,”

I heard him transform as he crawled on the bed with me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“why are you depressed?”

“because everyone hates me Optimus thats why even Jack,”

he sighs as he buries his face in my neck and lightly kisses it.

“you know I dont hate you and Jack doesn't either we both love you equally but his love is family and my love for you is something great,”

“im a monster Optimus cant you see that? I dont belong here,”

“your not a monster, your my Alena that I fell in love with. In my optics your still that beautiful girl who I loved since the first day I met you and you do belong here with me. Dont worry about the others just worry about us,”

I turned over and snuggled into his chest.

“how did I get to be with someone like you Optimus?” I asked as he chuckled.

“its called faith hon,”

“I love you,”

“And I to you,”

from the back of my mind I heard a deep low growl coming from Unicron.


“im not going back,” I told Optimus for the hundredth time as he sighed.

“Alena you do not wish to be.... ummm what humans call a drop out?”

“Optimus you dont understand what happened I blew up the windows at the school what makes you think they'll take me back when everyone will be afraid of me just like everyone is here? Ughhh I hate being Unicron's daughter its not fair why me? Why couldn't I have been normal?”

“everything happens for a reason Alena,”

“WELL I HATE HOW IT DOES THEN WHY DONT YOU TRY BEING UNICRON'S DAUGHTER?!” I shout as his eyes widened when mine started glowing purple once more.

“Alena calm down or Unicron will take over you again,”

I growled but stopped as my eyes returned to normal.

“you know what im going for a walk,” I told him as I got up and slammed the door shut.

Optimus's POV

I sigh as I returned to my normal form.

“shes a hard girl to handle isn't she?” Jack says as he walks inside.

My optics widened.

“dont worry I already know and you know im proud of it Optimus you might keep my sisters anger in check,”

I sigh.

“she seems to get more angrier by the day... she refuses to believe that not everybody hates her,”

“I know shes stubborn just like my mother,”

“excuse me Jackson Darby says my son who went to Cybertron and was to stubborn to listen to me on how dangerous it was!” his mother said as she entered in the room.

“mom I ummm.... what I ment to say was-”

“go Prime and I need to talk,”

Jack nodded as he ram out the room.

“kids they think they could do whatever they want,” she grumbles while walking up to me.

“you wanted to speak?”

“yes listen Optimus im not trying to sound like an eavesdropper or anything but I heard Jack say about your relationship with my daughter is it true?”


“Optimus your a giant alien robot who lives on forever and Alena doesn't. Prime shes a human why would you go out with a human and not your own kind?”

“because Alena's not like any femme I've ever seen before shes beautiful, smart, funny, mysterious... shes everything I could ever want now that I have her everyone tries to take her away from me I know shes Unicron's daughter and I know how dangrous she could be but I dont care. I will do everything in my spark to try and protect her from him. To try and get the dark substance polluting her body please Miss. Darby allow me to be with your daughter,”

she sighs.

“fine but I dont wanna see her pregnet and when yall go on dates her cerfew is before sundown I want her back at base,” she says before she left.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now