Chapter Ten: Goodbye

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I turned towards Ratchet fire burning in my optics.

“What did you do?”


I turned over to Jack, Miko and Raf who were frowning.

“woah she tried killing Miko? Let me at her,” Bulkhead said as he smashed his fists together.

“no I will go after her,”

“Optimus no dont shes dangrous you know what she did to Ratchet and the children,” Arcee said with her hands on her hips.

I transformed into my car mode and left the base without saying anything else.

Alena's POV

I was next to a river as my legs were up on my chest. Tears ran down my face as I tried wipping them away, but more just keeps coming.

“Ah, Alena Darby its about time I finally picked up your signal after quite sometime,” I heard Megatron say as large footsteps were heard from behind me.

I stood up as I wipped more tears that were coming down.

“Im a danger to everyone because of this dark energon Megatron so by all means take me I will serve under you for now on my Lord,” I told him as I bowed down.

“the only reason why im after you human is because you have something of mine afterwords I'll let Shockwave play around with you,”

I nodded.

“yes my liege,” I say without struggle as he grabbed me from his hand.

He smiled as I was being tossed up in the air and back down.

“you would make a fine speciman for Shockwave,”

Megatron tossed me up again but higher this time, before he could catch me though Optimus kicked Megatron in the side with his feet as he went and caught me instead.

“Alena what were you thinking?” he asked as he set me down gently.

“I was thinking maybe after Megatron took this cursed energon out of me I could die in peace without having to kill any of you,”

Optimus was going to say something, but Megatron grabbed him by the waist as they both fell to the ground.

“OPTIMUS!” I shouted worried as the two bots began fighting each other.

I placed my hands on my head as I backed away slowly.

“its all my fault,” I say with tears in my eyes as Megatron punched Optimus in the face.

My hair covered my eyes as I felt wind rush around me. Everything began to crumble as the earth shook.

“ALENA!” Optimus yelled as he kicked Megatron off of him and tried running over to me but with the earth shaking he tumbled over.

Alena,” I heard a voice in my head say.

kill the Prime Alena kill him,”

“n-n-no,” I say as I grabbed my head in pain.

Alena do not defy your fathers orders kill the Prime I say kill him!”

“NO!” I screamed as the ground stopped shaking and the wind died down.

I fell down to my knees.

“ALENA!” Optimus yelled again as he was finally able to stand and ran towards me.

“he tried to control me....” I said as I hugged myself.

“Hes gone now is he not?”

“im not going back to base Optimus, im sure you heard what I did to everyone while you guys were away im a danger to you all and myself I cant control my powers... maybe if Shockwave could remove the dark speciman thats inside me Unicron will go away,”

“if you go to him I will never see you again, Alena I love you and im not loosing you to Megatron,”

“Love? A Prime in love with a human this is so intresting,” Megatron says as he got up with a smile.

He looked back between me and Optimus.

“And I see the human loves you as well,”

he grins even more, showing his sharp teeth.

“thanks for the Information Optimus,” he says before flying away.

“great now Megatron knows he'll use this as a disavantage I guess this is where we part Optimus,”

“no Alena please I love you,”

“and I to you but theres no where for me to go... I'll handle this on my own fathers not going to be in control of me again... goodbye,” I say before I take off running.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now