Chapter Twenty Three: Forgive us

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“this is our future Alena dont you-”

“yeah dad I think you've showed me the future 10 thousand times already show me something new I did not come here for nothing you know,”

I gasp as my face was turned around with a huge slap across my face.

“speak to me that way again and you and your baby will not survive,”

I gulped but nodded anyways as I touched my cheek.

'Optimus I miss you' I thought a small tear running down my cheek.

Optimus's POV

I drove slowly back to the base. Sad and upset as my girlfriend and my baby are both gone and away from me. None of this was supposed to happen if I had just had my team with me she would have been in the drivers seat, smiling and laughing along. Im going to have to track her down no matter the cost. When I got into base the others were back as they looked at me and raised there guns, but when I transformed without Alena they put them down.

“Optimus wheres the girl?” Bulkhead began as I just ignored them and turned away.

“Optimus look we left for the safty of the kids this is a one time thing you know,” Arcee said placing a hand on my back.


Everyone was taken back as they backed away a little from me.

“he got her he kidnapped her and all because yall didn't want to help for the safty of the children they were going to be no where near Alena but you know what if yall dont wanna help then get out and leave my team real autobots would help there leader get there girlfriend and baby back safe and sound, and you say Alena is no different from the cons? Well you arn't either in fact why dont you just go on and join them and see how Megatron treats you the way you treated me,” I finished as I was steaming and panting.

Everyone's eyes widened even more.

“Optimus we- I we didn't mean to were sorry could you forgive us?”

I shook my head.

“Until Alena comes back safe and sound I can never forgive you,”

Arcee and the others look down in shame. Good thats how they should feel guilt and unwanted the same way they treated Alena. I looked up from the computer as a honk was heard an ambulance alarm going off until Ratchet transformed and turned it off.

“Optimus I wish to say that was highly disrespectful on what I did back there im so sorry that I left I was just angry and upset wheres Alena?”

I ignored his question and went back to the computers working.


“Alena's gone Ratchet, because of us we didn't help him out now shes gone with Unicron and our whole world is at stake because of this human,”

“well technecally shes not human shes part Cybertronian you know,”

“thats true but still we cant have Unicron be in control of her who knows what he'll do,”

“now you care,” I mummbled as I rolled my optics.

A/N Short i know have to go to school but next chapter is up enjoy! :) 

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