Chapter Nine: Leaving

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“WHY HAVE YOU BROUGHT THAT ABOMINATION BACK TO OUR BASE?!” Ratchet yelled as Alena was in my hand.

“Ratchet im sorry to say this but if you dont shut up about this I will personally do it for you,” I threatned as I headed to my room and closed it shut.

“So dark and your supposed to be leader of the autobots?” I asked with a small smile as I layed on his metal berth bed.

“I do what I must in order to protect the people I care about even if it means turning on my own kind.

“sounds reasonable so have you heard from the big guy latly?”

I cocked my head to the side with a raised optic ridge as I looked at her.

She sighed.


“Oh thats who you were perfering to no I have not witch means he must be up to something big,”

“PRIME!” I heard Agent Fowler yell.

“Whos that?”

“Agent William Fowler an ally come let me take you to meet him,”

I put my hand down to her level as she hoped on my hand. I lifted it up and went back to the main quarters to see him on the screen with an angry face.

“yes Agent Fowler?”

“I need you to get your boys straight Prime,” he says before he showed us a picture of two bots fighting each other.

Alena gasped as she smiled.

“WHEELJACK!” she yelled happily as Bulkhead did a little cheer.

“get him round up Prime before he ends up on the 9:00 news,” he said before the screen went black.

she looked up at me as I gently let her down.

“you are to remain here Alena same goes for you other three,”

“awww but Optimus can I-”

“no,” I said firmly as Ratchet opened the bridge.

“Autobots transform and roll out,” I said before I transform myself and left base with others.

Alena's POV

I grunted as the bridge began closing.

“not fair,” I said as I crossed my arms.

“ummm is your name Miko?” my brother asked with a raised eyebrow.

“no you know my name,”

“Exactly wanting to go with them is like pulling a Miko,”

“why would you care anyways? Your not even my real brother,”

“that doesn't mean I dont care for you Alena we've been together since we were kids, it dont matter if your that monsters daughter what matters is that I still love you for who you are,”

“Jack you dont, admit it your afraid of her like I am. Afraid that she'll set off again like last time because I am, I wouldn't understand why Optimus would let you of all people back in base when he knows who you really are,”

“WHY DONT YOU JUST SHUT UP RATCHET! IM TIRED OF YOUR CONSTANT COMPLAINING ABOUT ME ITS IRRITATING ME!” I screamed as I felt my eyes grow purple as Ratchet began lifting in the air.

“ALENA PUT HIM DOWN!” Jack shouted as he touched my shoulder.

“NO!” I screamed as he, Miko and Raf flew all the way back and hit a wall when I turned around.

I gasped as my eyes returned to normal and Ratchet fell hard on the ground.

My hair covered my eyes.

“your right Ratchet, im dangrous and shouldn't be here at the base,” I say as I looked up at my brother and his friends as they got up.

“totally rad bro that was a Shockwave,”

I smiled at Miko.

“Goodbye tell Optimus im sorry,” I say before I ran in my room and shut the door and locked it.

I went to grab my suitcases and stuffed all my clothes and accessories inside it. When I was finished I unlocked the door and went out to see the others come back but this time with Wheeljack. Optimus looked at me with sad, hurt eyes.


“Im sorry Optimus but I cant stay knowing im a danger to everyone goodbye,” I said before completely leaving the base.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now