Chapter Eighteen: It's not your fault

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Alena's POV

I sat in my room broken up, dry tear stains were on my face as my stomach growled in hunger but I refused to get up. How can I face Optimus again when I badly injured him? What kind of a girlfriend am I who hurts her boyfriend? I sighed. Im getting to powerful soon enough Unicron or dad I should say will take control over me forever. I looked up as I heard a knock on the door.

“Im coming in,” Optimus says as he enters in the room.

I quickly turned my head away in shame.

“Get out,”

“look bae I know your hurting but just know its not your fault,”

“YES IT IS IM TIRED OF EVERYONE SAYING THAT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” I Shout as my eyes turn purple and Optimus flew out of the room as the door closed shut.

I cried into my pillow.

'What am I going to do?' I thought crying harder.

Optimus's POV

“I see it went pretty bad with you to huh?” Jack asked walking up to me as I slowly got up.

“yeah, but I shall keep trying to let her know that I love her no matter what happens,”

Jack smiled.

“Optimus I wonder where we'd be if you never shown up in our lives,” he says with a small smile as he starts walking away.

I sighed as I got up and changed into my human mode I knocked on the door.

“WHAT PART OF LEAVE ME ALONE DO YOU NOT UNDRESTAND?!” Alena shouted from outside the door.

I sighed.

“Alena its me Optimus.... look I know your scared, your afraid but we will take this dark substance out of you so we can move on with our lives... in fact Ratchet's working on a cure right now,”

I hear the door unlock as she came out with tear stains on her face.

“h-h-h-e is?”

I nodded. She sighed as she opened it all the way.

“Optimus im sorry for hurting you I didn't mean it I-”

Alena's POV

my sentence was cut off as a pair of hungry lips captured my own. I dont know what to do I should be pushing him out but I just cant as I felt myself givining into the kiss he began pushing me back as we were soon enough inside my room as he kicked the door closed with his foot. He pushed me back to my bed as he began kissing me up and down my body.

“Optimus,” I moaned a little feeling heated.

“are you sure Alena?”

I nodded.

“please be my first Optimus,”

he smiled as he kissed me hungrily on the lips.


I awoke on Optimus's bare chest.

“good morning my dear,” he says kissing me on the head.

“good morning bae you forgive me about the other day?”

“of course I do it wasn't your fault anyway,”

“but it-”

he sealed me off with a kiss.

“no more of that lets forget what happened shall we?”

I nodded.

“I guess... I have to go shower bae care to join?”

I asked with a wink as I covered myself with the blanket. Optimus smirked as he had that look in his eye from last night.

“I'd love to join my dear,” he says looking at me up and down before following me in.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now