Chapter Three: Meeting Wheeljack

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Next Day

I awoke on another bed. At first I didn't recognize the place until I remembered that I met giant alien robots who are in the middle of war. I got up and went to shower as I placed on my clothes, brushed my teeth, did my hair etc. after I was done a knock was on my door.

“come in,” I say as I was putting on some earrings.

“hello Alena won't you be late to your school system?” Optimus asked as he walked in.

“im coming,”

when I finished putting on my earrings I ran from the bed and jumped on Optimus's awaiting hand with my backpack on my back. He hosted up as we walked towards where Ratchet is.

“where's everyone else?” I asked curious.

“they have already took there guardians to school,”

I nodded my head.


“Bye Optimus,” I say as I got out of his truck.

“Alena if I am not here after school I shall have one of the others come pick you up or Ratchet,”

I nodded as he left.

“hey sis how'd it go last night?” Jack asked as he ran up to me.

I turned around to face my brother.


“listen I wanna say im sorry about yesterday Arcee took me out to find some energon scouting and Decepticons attacked us and im sorry for not telling you about them I had to keep it a secret,”

“I understand brother sorry for what I said yesterday,” I said as I went to hug him.

He smiled and hugged me back.

“friends?” he asked with his fist raised.


I fist pump Jack as Miko came storming over.

“hey there guys how are my two favorite friends doing?”

I rolled my eyes with a smile as she had her arms around us.


“good cause when we get to the base we will rock the party,”

“party Miko?” Jack asked confused.

“yeah a celebration because Alena is one of team Prime now,”


“gotta go see ya,”

I sighed as I walked into school along with my brother.


I sat on the curve awaiting for Optimus. Jack, Miko and Raf already went back to base but there was a no show for Optimus and I was going to be late for work. I sighed as I got up and began walking away.

“im going to be late for work if I dont go now,” I said as I was walking down the street.

“hey kid you Alena?” a car said as he slowed down next to me.

I continued walking as I looked at the car. He was white but with a hint of red and some of green on him as well.

“yes and you are?”

“Names Wheeljack I came over to the base to visit Bulk, but since Prime's out battling right now Ratchet told me to come get you,”

“I have work to do I cant just skip that,”

“you have a job to huh? Wheres it at?”

“just down the road I'll be ok just go back to base,”

“sorry kid cant do that Ratchet wanted you back here safe and sound,”

“well tell Ratchet that I get paid today and there is no way in hell will I miss that for the autobot base,”

Wheeljack sighed.

“fine alright I'll take you to work just hop in,” he said as his front door opened.

I huffed as I began running away. I heard Wheeljack sighed in fustration as I heard his car run after me. Before I could cross the street, he cornered me and I couldn't get around him.

“Kid I told you I'll take you to your place,”

“you expect me to believe you? How do I know if you wont just bridge me back into base?”

“good thing you dont trust easily kid but I wont cross my Spark and hope to be with Primus,”

“in human ways its I cross my heart and hope to die,”

“well I ain't human commin or what?”

I sighed fustrated as he opened up the door.

“fine fine alright already,” I responded as I got in the car.

“where to kid?”

“just down the street and stop calling me kid my name is Alena,”

“I enjoy fiesty femmes you and I will be great friends,”

“yeah sure whatever,” I responded with an eye roll.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now