Chapter Seventeen: Nightmares

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Alena's POV

No,” I said as I placed my hands on my head.

I covered my ears but that only seemed to make the screaming louder then ever. Flames, destruction, running, screaming, killing. Tears flew from my eyes.

Look at it this is what you will do,” Unicron says putting hands on my shoulders.

I shook my head.

I wont... I wont do this,”

this is future my dear Alena this will be destruction we caused you will be proud this world will be are's,”


I awoke in cold sweat as I was panting. I looked around to see Optimus beside me with his optics opened.

“you were talking in your sleep are you alright?”

“how did I end up here I was asleep on the bench outside and im back at base?”

“well I had Ratchet track your signal and I followed you there I did not want you getting hurt so I took you back at base wanna talk about the dream?”

I shook my head as I stood up.

“no I'll be-”

I did a loud gasp as I was once again not in control of my own body.

Optimus's POV

“Alena,” I say worried as she just stood there.

She slowly turned around as my eyes widened as I was being lifted up from her eyes. I was in human form as I was trying to hold on to something but nothing would work.



“Optimus whats going-”

before Ratchet could say anything else Alena shut the door on his face with her hands.

“Please dont do this Alena I love you,”

my eyes widened as a purple tear flew from her eye but it was replaced by a evil smile as I was dropped from the ground. My lights went out.


I awoke to a sound of a heart machine doing beeping sounds. June Darby's face was the only thing I could see. She was mouthing something but I could not hear what it was.

“Optimus, Optimus can you hear me?” I heard her ask a few minutes later.

“now I can,”

she sighed in relief.

“Optimus can you change back to your real form?”

I nodded and did as told as the plugs from the heart machine showed no sign of life as I discovered pain all over my body.

“you hit the ground pretty hard Optimus, any normal human would have been dead,” June says turning it off.


she sighs sadly.

“we tried getting her out of her room.... we truly did but she would only get angry and mad, shes blaming herself for not being able to stop Unicron from hurting you.... shes upset, sad, angry and she even hates herself Optimus. We tried everything we could but we couldn't bring her out of it.... I guess you can say shes in a depressed state,”

“and im the only one who can snap her out of it?”

“maybe.... if you try,”

“well I am her boyfriend after all she'll listen though shes stubborn,”

June laughed a llittle.

“yeah thats my daughter,” she says placing her hands on her hips. 

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now