1 - Third Wheels

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"Aww, Pidge, you promised!"

"As a matter of fact, I never promised you anything,"

"Uh, yeah you have. Remember last year—"

"I meant about today, Lance,"

A loud huff escaped Lance's mouth as he shifted his weight restlessly on one leg. Glancing sideways, he saw that Hunk and Shay were still queuing up to get their tickets. His system was gradually filling up with anxiety – the unremitting tap of his foot indicated the compulsion to calm his nerves just as much. That, and the fact that the swarm of people were beginning to thicken all around him as the audience from a recently finished movie filed out. It was making him appear gauche, standing near the exit all by himself, incongruous to the band of adolescents in the area.

He knew it was ridiculous to be jittery about this. But really, he wouldn't have made a big deal out of it if it weren't for the fact that this was probably the fifth time he had to third-wheel Hunk and his girlfriend, not to mention that it might just be the fifth time Pidge had bailed on him. Now, as his best friend, Lance definitely was beyond elated that Hunk had gotten himself a girlfriend. He was even the one who had bombarded the boy with torrential queries at three in the morning regarding his love life.

Not that Hunk was the type of person to leave his friend tailing after him everywhere he went – the boy was far too genial to be like that. He would never leave any of his friends behind. The main concern here was zoomed in on whether he and Shay would have a good time without anyone interrupting them at all. Hunk might be cool about Lance tagging along with him and Shay. In fact, it was Hunk who had invited him all along. But it was Lance who was going to feel downright uneasy about this. He merely didn't want to feel like he was ruining a date.

Yet here he was. "Can't it wait?" Lance sighed on the line of the call.

"Sorry, Lance, it can't," Pidge answered. "Gotta meet with Ina tomorrow about this, and boy is she a boss when it comes to technologies."

"Sounds like someone I know,"

"No, seriously. Look, I know the timing is a bit messed up, and I really am sorry—"

"Hey, relax, Pidge," Lance cut her off, sensing her guilt-ridden tone. "You know I'm just being dramatic."


"Besides," Lance shrugged one shoulder, feeling his own buoyancy return, "third-wheeling is nothing new to me."

"Yeah, but never in cinemas with premium seats!"

It was a trial to maintain his optimism in this kind of situation. Why did she have to remind him of that? "At least I'll get the double seats all to myself," Lance pointed out artfully. "Your loss!"

"I haven't even booked the seat, Lance, seeing as this is pretty last-minute," Pidge remarked reasonably. "As far as I'm concerned, it's still free. Someone might take it."

"Don't jinx it,"

"Hey, look at the bright sight," Pidge said. "You'll get yourself a date!"

"Be realistic, Pidge," Lance began. "Nobody would book a double-seat when the other half is already filled. Personal space? Hello?"

The silence on the other end of the line indicated that Lance had won this trifling banter. "Just have fun, Lance," said Pidge. "And don't worry about feeling like you're ruining Hunk's date. You're like a the epitome of a party-booster."

Lance felt his eyebrows raise. "Is that," he grinned, "a compliment?"

"I'm gonna hang up now,"

"Pidge!" Lance delivered his most dramatic awed tone. "You complimented me!"

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