11 - Krolia

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oooofff that title huh?


"Okay," Keith sat down across from Adam in the kitchen, surveying the man as he idly stirred coffee in his Darth Vader mug. "What did you tell him?"

"Tell who what?" Adam could be a good actor sometimes – better than Shiro when he was trying to appear innocent. But Keith wasn't having it.

"You know what I'm talking about,"

"No, I do not,"

"So you didn't interview a boy called Lance the other day?"

The stirring paused. "Ah,"


"I didn't say anything – I swear," said Adam, suppressing a smile. "I'm not Takashi, you know."

"Who knows? Maybe Shiro's rubbed off on you,"

"He definitely has, all right," Adam subtly winked.

"I – am not gonna ask what you mean by that tone,"

"You will when you start dating,"

"Right, 'cause I'm the most popular guy at school. Should I make Tinder and Grindr accounts as well?" Because sarcasm was the only language he was very fluent at.

Adam narrowed his eyes at Keith. "Don't even go there,"

"Not planning to," Keith put up his hands before his chest. "I don't trust anyone on dating apps."

The man nodded, looking relieved. Keith had heard and read multiple stories of people being catfished on those two particular dating apps. No matter how desperate he could get just to look for a partner, he would never set foot there. Especially not on Grindr where older men pretended to be young, innocent ones. So maybe he had once thought about it, curious as to see whether the app was reliable. But growing up with Shiro had taught him to be at his utmost vigilance. Keith was aware of his own recklessness, but that didn't necessarily mean all of his decisions were based off poor sense of prudence.

For someone whose default mode since birth was "act first, think later", Keith was sometimes relieved that his boundary involved human interaction.

Adam got to his feet and sipped from his mug. It was a bizarre sight when Darth Vader's was hollowed and filled with coffee. "Gotta say, he seems like a nice guy," he said, opening a fridge as he did so.


"Lance, of course," Adam stated. "A bit timid."

"Timid?" Keith echoed. Lance? Timid? Him?

Adam hummed, nodding his head. "Although he did react a little too dramatically when he saw your face on a picture,"

"Sounds like him," Keith leaned back in his chair. Then something clicked on him. "Wait, which picture?"

At this question, Adam grinned sheepishly. "Remember that selfie Takashi took at the beach last year?"

"Yeah, stop right there," Keith said, knowing fully well that Adam was that kind of person to keep a family picture on his office desk. Of course Lance would instantly recognise Keith's face. No wonder he'd badgered him with a question on whether or not he had two dads. Keith had seen the picture for himself; he did look like an adopted child raised by a married couple. Or rather, he looked like a child whose single father married another man.

They heard the front door open, followed by two people talking in hurried voices. The first voice, Keith recognised immediately, belonged to Shiro. However, the second one was a woman's voice. Completely unfamiliar, what with the hint of a foreign accent in it.

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