26 - Sparks

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I am so sorry for the late update. Ngl, after watching Endgame, I needed a few days for myself.

But heyyy here ya go! Enjoy ;)


"Good work, Lance!"

A blush crept up on Lance's face when he received a proud slap on the shoulder by his basketball captain. "Thanks," he panted, albeit knowing that Ryan was now out of earshot as the boy jogged towards their other teammates. Probably to deliver some praises to boost their motivation as well – like the good captain that he was.

Soon the whistle blew, followed shortly by Coach Kolivan calling for a five-minute break.

It was a good thing they were doing some extensive trainings today – one that they normally complained about – otherwise they'd freeze under the weather. For even staying inside the school building couldn't insulate them from the ruthless hailstorm outside. The other benefit that came out of this just had to be the fact that their coach was serving everyone free hot chocolates. Now almost the whole school stopped by the gym to get some before heading home.

Two of those people – an unlikely pair, Lance might add upon noticing – were his own twin and none other than Keith Kogane. Like everyone else, they stopped by the foldable table near the entrance and poured themselves a cup each, before proceeding towards the bleachers – presumably to watch them practice. Lance felt a small frown form on his forehead; he thought Keith had already gone out, considering school hours had ended. Not to mention that these days the boy would usually head straight to the hospital after school.

That didn't stop the tiny, almost negligible flutter in his chest, however. And before his feet could stop him, he was hurrying in their direction – with a small bounce from the balls of his feet.

"Well, hello there," he greeted them, bowing a little at Keith. "Rachel here told me that she has a boyfriend. It's not you, is it?"

Rachel threw him a tart look, while Keith looked just about done with everything happening in his life. "Would you be jealous if he was?" she responded.

"Totally. You stole my man," Lance didn't realise what he was saying until he saw Keith's face flushing. He quickly retraced his words. "No, really – Keith, what're you still doing here?"

"Oh, don't mind me hangin' around here," Rachel said a little too loudly, spreading her arms. "I'm doing well. Thank you for asking, younger twin."

Lance chose to ignore this, sensing a teasing was imminent. "Keith?"

"Right!" Rachel cut in. "So, during Bio, your boy here just – shyly – asked me whether I could ask you to give him a ride home. Because, obviously with the weather outside, he didn't use his motorbike. A guy called Adrian—"

"Adam," Keith corrected.

"—A guy called Adam drove him here instead. Unfortunately, the same dude couldn't pick him up 'cause he was busy," Rachel proceeded. "Which now brings us here."

Lance surveyed Keith. "Keith, buddy, you know you could've just asked me yourself," he said, suppressing a laughter.

"I last saw you during lunch and I forgot to ask!" Keith retorted defensively.

"Fair enough," Lance shrugged, now chuckling. "And of course you can. You know you can, right?"

"I know," said Keith. "And thank you."

"Don't mention it," Lance tried to sound casual about it, but he couldn't seem to stop his heart from going berserk inside his chest. Either it was the from adrenaline, or it was something else entirely.

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