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"Any of you brought your phone charger?"

"Left mine at home," Rachel replied, glancing over her shoulder from the passenger seat at the front to give him a sheepish smile.



Lance slumped down against the window, sighing. His phone had died the moment he fished it out of his pocket, about to call Keith to tell him that he would be late. Well, Keith had been well informed of his lateness the previous night, given Lance had an interview with a couple of NAIA administrative assistants first thing in the morning. But this was late-late – like at least half an hour from the estimated time of arrival. The drive from the head office to the hill at which Adam and Shiro were getting married normally already takes up about fifty minutes. And by the pace the traffic was going, he doubted he'd make it in time to hear the vows. Hell, everyone would probably be at the reception by the time he got there.

Keith would understand, of course. But there was no stopping the apprehension clawing at his chest, as though he was the one waiting for Keith. Adam had invited him, and though none of them forced him to come, Lance knew Keith was looking forwards to actually seeing him. He couldn't help but feel the jitters that already drove his feet and hands in restless fidgets.

Come on, he thought, hoping that by some miracle, the cars would start moving. Come on.

"Can I borrow your phone?" Lance asked Rachel.

"Do you remember Keith's number?"

"I'm – well—"

Rachel sniggered. "Relax, I have his number," she handed her phone over.


Lance tapped on the screen and swore loudly. "What is it?" Rachel whipped her head around, startled.

"No signal,"

Ben grabbed his phone from the slot in the dashboard and looked at the screen. "Same here,"

A groan escaped Lance's throat. He could feel sweat trickling down his back, and the suit he'd changed into didn't help make it any comfortable, especially not under the stifling heat of summer. Ben's car air-cond had its own mood swing, so that one moment it was on a full blast and the next it barely did its job right.

Not that Lance would complain. After all, Rachel and Ben had arrived as soon as possible after he called them. None of them was expecting such a heavy traffic, however. "You know what I think?" he spoke to both of them.


"That I should Foo-Fighters my way out of this,"

"Like the in theWalk music video?"


"You sure?" said Ben. "It's really hot out there."

Rachel looked over the passenger seat again, pursing her lips. "Hey," she said, extending her arm and gently taking Lance's hand. "It'll be fine. Just relax, okay?"

"It's hard when all I can think about is him getting all worked up 'cause I'm later than late,"

"Maybe you're the one getting all worked up here,"

"How the tables have turned,"

She smiled. "Since we're practically stuck here," she began, "why don't you take my phone and go out there for a bit, see if you can find a reception?"

"Thank you, brain,"

"It's my brain you're stealing credits from,"

"We're twins,"

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