35 - Keith and Krolia

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y'all I am so sorry for the late update. a lot of stuff going on for the past week. but here you are!

votes and comments are appreciated :'D


It was drawing to the third week of February when Shiro gracefully dropped on the couch next to him, wearing the biggest grin on his face – one that lit his eyes. "I'm gonna propose," he whispered.

Keith closed his copy of Of Mice And Men and glanced at him. "As in – wait, you for real?"

The man nodded fervently, white teeth gleaming. "It's my day off. We're gonna have dinner tonight, and I'm taking the opportunity to ask him to marry me," he explained in a rapid, hushed tone, as though Adam was within earshot when he was, in fact, still at work.

"And you didn't do this on Valentine's?" Keith quibbled. "You're a week late."

"Hey, be logical," Shiro tapped the side of Keith's head lightly with his finger – of his new prosthesic arm, precisely speaking. "Picture it; how am I supposed to kneel and open the box one-handed?"

"I don't know," Keith shrugged. "Be creative instead of the classic opening-the-tiny-box?"

Shiro tilted his head, looking pensive. "Point taken," he hummed. "But anyway, it won't live up to the romantic fantasy."


"Like I didn't see you giving heart eyes to La—"

"Okay, okay, I get it," Keith pawed Shiro's mouth with his palm, causing the latter to snigger. "So what's the plan? Are you even fully used to that arm?"

In demonstration, Shiro extended his right arm and flexed his fingers. His doctor had issued him with a bionic arm; its smooth black metal body looking almost forbidding when completed with his uniform, but will slide down the scale and appear comical instead when the man wore a band shirt with Mickey Mouse pyjama pants. "I'll get used to it," he responded. "Therapy helps."

"Shame you couldn't get a Bluetooth arm,"

"Imagine how convenient it'll be,"

"Oh yeah, when someone randomly connects to – what's the brand again – Deus Ex Open Bionics and suddenly Run the World starts playing," Keith inserted offhandedly. "Very convenient – especially if you're working on a case. Sets the mood."

Laughing, Shiro got to his feet, not missing the opportunityp to ruffle Keith's hair in the process. Keith allowed a smile as he swatted the hand away, wincing afterwards when his knuckles knocked against metal.

He was still drifting in the sky after going out on a date with Lance just the previous week. Though, the preparations beforehand had been fairly calamitous, involving Keith frequently calling Adam on the phone on what the hell to wear, given that he'd never actually been on a date before. "The Internet exists, Keith!" the man had said, evident distress painting his tone. "The Internet lies!" had been Keith's comeback. In the end, he had Allura come over and style him up – even then, she was late due to traffic and something along the line of "trying to get this goddamn moose out of the goddamn road".

But hardworks pay off. All matters of turning up ten minutes late aside, the date had gone exceptionally well; a lot of trips to the convenience stores, a lot of smoothies, a lot of laughters, a lot of sneaking into abandoned buildings (Keith's idea) and just a lot of kissings.

He felt ten feet taller.

"Hey, Keith," called Shiro over his shoulder, half his body in the doorway to his bedroom. Keith looked up, raising his eyebrows. "Almost forgot to mention; your mother's in town."

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