27 - About The Dream

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This was a mistake.

Because there was no denying the curiosity that had been building up inside him for the past few weeks – months, in fact. And believe it or not, Lance had actually been looking forwards to trying something with Keith just to prove himself wrong. But since his moral sense prevailed over his inquisitiveness, he didn't dare make a move. One; because it might be a jerk move for a boy who was raised with dignity. Two; Keith was his friend, not someone whom he could simply try things out with without considering how the consequences might impact him emotionally.

So for weeks on end, Lance stopped thinking about it. Well, tried to. Granted, it only worked whenever Keith wasn't nearby. Until, of course, his niece and nephew decided it would be a good idea to start role-playing with him and make Keith be his so-called savior.

He knew what was coming, then, for the inevitable – that being "crucial" part of their little show – had arrived. But he couldn't stop them. One; because he was a responsible seventeen-year-old uncle who would do whatever it takes to preserve the children's childhood. Two; because he really wanted to know whether kissing Keith (or, in this situation, be kissed by the boy) would have any effect on him.

But thinking back, Lance thought he should've had called it off sooner. The nerves tingling inside him by the mere presence of the boy had proved to be a clear enough answer. Keith's lips pressing against his had simply erased the remaining traces of doubt.

"Nadia! Sylvio?"

Lance's eyes flew open just as Keith leaned back, taking the warmth with him and his face indecipherable. On his other side, Nadia was giggling.

At the doorway into the kitchen stood Lance's eldest brother, his eyes scanning the living room for his children. "There you are— Lance! You're ... on the floor. Again," greeted Luis upon noticing his youngest brother lying on the floor. Then his eyes darted to Keith. "And you are—?"

"Papi, that's Keith!" Sylvio bounded over to his dad, pointing at Keith fervently with his forefinger – his manners already out the window. "He's Tio's friend!"

"Hi," Keith hastily stood up, so now his Pikachu-patterned socks were in Lance's full view. He noticed that the boy's face had turned a shade of crimson.

"Hey ... you're Kogane's kid, aren't you?" Luis grinned at him amiably. "Haven't seen you in a while."

Lance looked from Keith to his brother and back. "I – um, yeah, I am," Keith nodded, tapping his foot on the floor. "I moved back last summer."

"Man, still rocking that hairstyle, huh?" Luis chuckled, gathering his kids with him. "Nice seeing you, Keith."

Keith awkwardly nodded, giving Luis a timid smile. Lance had a fleeting feeling that the boy was currently wishing he was anywhere but here. Months of being around Keith had trained him to be able to identify whenever the boy was growing anxious. And the repetitive tapping of his foot served as the first indication.

"Hey – Lu!" Lance jumped to his feet, addressing his brother. "Ma and Pa home? I haven't seen them."

"That's 'cause they're out," answered Luis, beginning to usher Nadia and Sylvio into the kitchen. "They left a note in the kitchen."

"Where's Mami?" Sylvio was asking his dad.

"She's at work, mijo," said Luis, before looking up at Lance and Keith. "You two hungry? I made picadillo."

"Yeah, I'm starved," Glad that he didn't have to be left alone with Keith for the time being, especially when they'd have to discuss and make some clarifications over the revent events (otherwise he might do something he'd regret), Lance made to head into the kitchen. He didn't miss the opportunity to smirk at the boy's feet, though. "Nice socks, Sir Keith."

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