20 - A Little Sober

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It was absurd.

He had never felt like a covetous thirteen-year-old who had lost all hopes at pursuing a romantic life. Because he was never that childish. Alas, that was where his emotions were currently residing, betraying his psyche and the more mature side of him completely.

Because Lance was obviously beyond tipsy, hence nudging his alter ego to take over. Maybe. Besides, people hook up all the time, especially at parties when alcohol had entered through the door and ending up in their system. And most of the time, the hook-ups didn't even mean anything between people who weren't in a committed relationship. It was normal. Be that as it may, none of these pragmatic explanations could penetrate the thick wall of discontent that had somehow protruded around Keith like a forcefield. And it was so stupid. He was being childishly ludicrous at handling this.

Why did he think coming back to this town was a good idea?

Why did he think attending Atlas High was the best option he had?

Most importantly; why did he agree to join Allura and Lotor on their date?

Lance's phone buzzed in his hand. A text from his dad. The dreaded response after Keith's rather artful lie.

Papi — Okay, that's good then. Have fun, mijo.

Keith sighed and leaned his head against the wall of the front porch, having sat hunched for so long. Sexy and I Know It was currently blasting from the stereo inside, and his mind instantly formed a picture of Lance shuffling to that song (because any hit songs in 2011 required shuffling apparently, especially if it was by LMFAO), completely losing his head. He laughed softly to himself, because sober or not, Lance would definitely shake his limbs to that music. Or any music, really.

He closed his eyes, dreading the prospect of going home. Apprehension was trickling into his blood for the past thirty minutes ever since he exited the house, not quite fancying the thought of watching Lance make out with a girl. He had lied to Adam. And then proceeded to do the same thing to Lance's dad. It was only a miracle that neither of them had called him as of yet, because Keith's guts were in knots, his mind reeling. He could only pray that neither men called each other, otherwise something might not click. Keith wasn't the best at lying.

At least, he thought, if there was something to be anxious about, it was this. He checked the time on his phone; 9:15 p.m.

"There you are!"

Startled, Keith whipped his head around. Lance dropped down on the steps next to him, his hair in a state of disarray. "Hey, Lance,"

"Stop brooding!" Lance slapped him on the back. "Come have fun inside. We have ... we have ... er – what do we have again ..."

"You're drunk,"


Keith frowned.

"We have ... UNO," Lance slurred. "And ... a lot of girls wanna sleep with you. But obviously ... you're not interested."

"No, I am not," Keith nodded, amused.

"Because you're gay!"

"Because I'm gay,"

"And I'm bi!" Lance exclaimed. "I'M THE BI-EST MAN ALI—"

Keith slapped a hand over Lance's mouth, muffling him. "Keep it down!" he hissed. Something wet flicked across his palm, and Keith extracted his hand, revolted. "Did you just lick—"

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