13 - Distant

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Never in Lance's life would he ever expect himself to be surprised at the absence of Keith from class. Yet here he was, anticipation creeping up his skin as he sat there, looking around. At first, he'd thought the boy was simply late – probably using the toilet. Because he had seen Keith's bike in the parking lot earlier on. He had to be at school.

But after settling down for five, ten, minutes, and the boy still hadn't shown up, Lance came to a conclusion that Keith had skipped history class. And for the rest of the period, Lance spent his time glancing at the door expectantly, albeit knowing quite well that his friend would not show up. Growing puzzled about this was quite of a discernment, especially not when Keith had somehow grown out of his audacious self. Well, not completely, but there was definitely a faint contrast if he were to make pre-pubescent Keith and present-day Keith stand next to each other.

No, Lance was concerned. Maybe if this had happened in middle school, it would hardly be a question – not even from the teachers. As a matter of fact, people would be more surprised if he turned up. But now, when Ms Chaffer called out his name for attendance, several heads were turned. The empty desk next to Lance remained vacant. And Lance could distinctly hear James Griffin scoff, murmuring, "Hasn't changed much, then." under his breath. Lance didn't know whether to agree or be annoyed.

Twice during class, Lance sent Keith a few text messages asking where he was. He didn't want to come off sounding too worried, but as he read and re-read them (all unanswered), he definitely sounded like a concerned mother. Not to mention that the sent message bubbles took up his entire messaging panel.

And he wasn't trying to feel too dejected at having been ignored.

When the bell rang to signal recess, Lance shot to his feet and hurried out of the classroom at once. Ignoring people in his path, he marched along the hallway, trying not to appear like someone in a haste.

He bumped into Hunk as he turned to a corner. Colliding against the weight of his friend had nearly knocked him off his feet, but Lance managed to regain his balance by placing a foot behind him. "Whoa – dude," Hunk said, surprised. "Someone's in a hurry."

"Was Keith in English class with you?" Lance asked without preamble.

The easily smile on Hunk's face waned. "I – no, I thought he might be with you," he responded, his eyebrows drawing into a small frown. "Saw him mounting off his bike earlier. And it's still there when I checked. He can't have left, can he?"

Lance shook his head. "So he skipped," he stated, as though saying that aloud would put his mind at ease – maybe a little. Now where would a Keith Kogane hide if he isn't in class?

"You sound really worried, Lance," Hunk observed.

"Yeah, what if he gets into trouble?"

"Isn't that – not being mean or anything – like a pretty usual thing you'd find himself in?"

Hunk did have a point.

But then Lance wouldn't forget that time in the locker room where Keith had somehow had an emotional fit. Not really a full-on fit, but it almost scared him nonetheless. None of the boy's reassurances saying he was fine dispelled Lance's doubts. And Lance was a person who grew up with a big family, so "concern" sat on the topmost chart of Lance's Frequently Used Emotions.

"Have you texted him?" Hunk proceesed when Lance hadn't uttered a syllable.

"I have," said Lance.

"No response?"


"You guys might wanna check the bleachers outside,"

Lance and Hunk turned their faces at the new voice. Pidge stood beside them, gripping the straps of her bag with both hands. "How'd you know that?" Hunk queried.

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