5 - The First Day

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Am I going too fast? No? Yes?

Don't forget to vote and comment! Seriously, I need a motivation boost.

Also, kindly correct any spelling/grammar erros that I may have made :') Your girl's just finished with her exams here


Maneuvering his way to locate the classrooms, though had proved to be quite of a trial especially since Atlas High was so big, wasn't exactly something new to Keith. He'd grown up mostly searching for things on his own, overcoming hurdles as though they were merely curtains that had to be drawn apart. He was considerably independent for such a young boy. It hadn't taken him long to arrive to his first lesson, which was English. And he'd also happened to share it with Hunk, the only person who flashed him a broad grin amongst a flood of curious gazes and beckoned him over to take the vacant seat in front of him.

Glad though he had been, it didn't stop the fact that most of the curious gazes in fact belonged to those who seemed to recognise him. "Isn't that Kogane?" he'd heard a girl whisper to her friend earlier on.

"No way – that emo kid who got into a fight during PE in eighth grade?"

"He got hotter,"

And that seemed to be happening now, as Keith entered the cafeteria. At first he thought it was just his mind playing another one of his anxiety-stimulating tricks on him, but he was one hundred per cent positive that every head had turned to him the moment he arrived. It didn't help as well that he was still wearing the black leather jacket he'd worn when riding his bike that morning. Way to stay covert, his mind huffed. Maybe you should've let Shiro drive you. How about that?

How about you shut the hell up? the other part of his mind retorted, mostly because Keith was beginning to feel the anxiety kicking into his system. He was aware of the fact that his breathing had grown shallow as he stood there, feeling like the whole school was glowering at him, drawing out every possible negative situation from the back of his mind.

Inhale ... one ... two ... three ... four ...

Keeping his eyes on the floor, Keith began to walk, not sure whether the slight hush that fell amongst the sea of students were real or just due to the blood rushing in his ears. He had no idea where his feet were taking him, only that he needed to find a secluded space.

Exhale .... five ... six ... seven ...

Every table appeared occupied when he chanced a brave glance at them – regretting it almost instantly when he saw that the students had their eyes trained on him. He fought the urge to yell at them to stop looking. (He did it once in sophomore year at a bunch of jocks, and gotten into trouble afterwards).

At long last, when he was starting to contemplate on ditching the rest of his first day, his gaze landed on an occupied table near the end of the cafeteria. Unlike most of Atlas High, its occupants seemed to be more immersed in their own business – thankfully. Keith relaxed when he recognised Hunk at once, who sat across a girl with a wild ginger hair, while another girl with danglers sat beside him. They were laughing about something, apparently oblivious to Keith approaching them.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" Keith asked as soon as he reached their table, startling them all.

"Keith!" Hunk beamed. "Sure, sit down! There's two empty seats— no wait, Lance sits there. The other one – sorry."

Keith took the empty chair next to the ginger headed girl, whose round glasses strongly reminded Keith of Harry Potter. She looked quite young, one hand on her iPad while the other held a sandwich. "I'm Pidge, by the way. And that's Shay," she said, indicating the girl next to Hunk. Keith recognised her instantly from the bowling alley. "I've heard all about you in a span of an hour. Hunk here said you guys used to go to middle school together – and I'm guessing that's why a lot of people keep talking about you. My question is: are you and Lance really rivals?"

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