23 - Hospital

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It was déjà vu.

The last time Keith found himself in a similar situation felt like a lifetime ago, even though it happened just a couple of years back. He had been in detention then when a panic-stricken Adam Wright burst into the classroom, followed closely by his disgruntled principal (apparently he'd made a racket by parking exactly in front of the building's entrance and running around the hallway to find Keith). "Takashi's at the hospital," was all that he'd said to him, enough to turn Keith's gears that he shot up at the speed of light without as much as asking "What?", but more to thinking, Please not another one.

The same sentence swirled in Keith's head now, picking up speed until the words fused and blurred like the world outside him as he leapt out of Lance's car. He couldn't hear anything but the rush of wind pressing against his ears. The ground barely made contact with his feet as he rushed towards the hospital entrance; he was running so fast that he couldn't tell whether he was the one moving or his surroundings simply hauling themselves backwards to bring Shiro to him. "Wait up!" Lance's voice shouted in the distant.

No, Keith couldn't wait.

He was at the main reception in a matter of seconds, almost forgetting how to breathe. The receptionist looked up in surprise, as though he'd just materialised out of thin air. But before either of them could speak, a familiar voice shouted, "Keith!"


Expecting to find the man as plagued as him, Keith was fairly thrown off when he saw that Adam appeared less harrowed by the situation. For this reason, Keith began to wonder whether he'd overreacted. "Why – where's Shiro?" he panted as soon as Adam was in his proximity. Up this close, he could make out Adam's bloodshot eyes behind his glasses, not to mention his loose tie and ruffled hair. "Adam, you told me he was shot and crashed the car – he's not—"

"He's in a coma," Adam said as gently as he could, and Keith couldn't tell whether he was trying to molify Keith or himself. "But he's okay."

"He's in a— then, why aren't you with—"

"The nurse kicked me out 'cause I couldn't stop talking," he laughed nervously. "Who brought you here anyway? Krolia?"

In response, a completely winded Lance appeared by Keith's side.

"Lance," Adam greeted, looking quite surprised and pleased at the same time.


"Just 'Adam', please?" Adam smiled. "We're not in my office."

"Oh – okay," Lance nodded. Then his eyes flitted towards Keith, as though expecting Keith to detonate at any second. "What exactly happened to Shiro?"

Keith didn't know why, but the tender way in which Lance asked that really did smoothen the barbs of turmoil that had seemed to sprout inside his chest. Even Adam inclined his head, a look of appreciation draping over his features.

"He thought it was a good idea to jump straight into a car chase backed up by a three-hour sleep," Adam sighed. "The result is being shot in the arm and crashing the car. It's a miracle he's still alive. That idiot."

What Keith needed right now was to breathe and lie down. But he was restless, and he needed to see his brother, even if it meant disturbing everyone else. "I'm gonna go see him," Keith made to move when Adam held his shoulder.

"The doctor is still checking up on him," he said. "But I guess we can wait outside."

The three of them followed Adam into the elevator and ascended the building. Keith could feel his anxiety kick in again, and it must be transparent, because soon he felt long fingers wrap around his wrist and squeeze. Looking sideways, Lance gave him a nod with a smile of reassurance. He'll be fine, he could hear the boy say.

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