25 - Storm, Calm, Storm, Calm

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A continuation of the previous part, where Keith threw a fit. Enjoy :)))))


Keith knew that the moment he was outside the hospital, he had somehow screwed things up with Krolia.

The cyclone was still on a rampage inside his head, not knowing serenity even if it stared at it in the eye. But enough lights of moral sense had filtered in to draw him out of his own tempest, steadying him as soon as he was in an open space – like the sun emerging after a storm.

Keith didn't realise he was verbally counting as he breathed in, his voice coming out in harsh, trembling whispers. And he wouldn't have felt the hot, angry tears streaking down his cheeks had the wind not blown, its bitter cold air creating a stark contrast to his warm, damp cheeks.

For some reason, he could feel a million pairs of eyes training on him, bringing with them the questions that he had so much dreaded to face. The questions that only his anxiety-induced brain would dare come up with. They heard you blow up back there, the voice stated in his head without a trace of malice. Just a factual information. Yet menace oozed out of the words. They're judging you. They're scared of you. They're—

"There you are,"

Lance was cautiously making his way towards him the moment Keith looked up, with Hunk and Pidge trailing behind the boy. His hands were shoved deep inside his olive green parka, and he appeared almost—


See? continued the cursed voice. He's afraid of you.

The last thing Keith wanted was to have his own friends looking at him like he'd sprouted two scarlet horns on his head.

"Are you—" Lance began, biting his lower. "D'you need ... some space? To think?"

"I'm fine,"

"I mean, look, I understand if you want—"

"I said I'm fine, Lance!"

Lance halted. The hurt flashing in his eyes was palpable, and god when was Keith ever going to stop screwing up his relationships with the people he had just met this year? "Sorry," the boy murmured.

Keith could feel it again; the familiar pricks behind his eyelids like a thoundsand tiny needles attacking all at once, accompanied by his throat getting hot and constricting. "No – no, I'm sorry – shit ..." he sighed. "I blew up at you guys ... even if it's not your fault – I'm really sorry."

"Nah, that's okay, bud," came Hunk's voice. "I mean, not that blowing up at people is okay – but we understand, you know? We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"I mean, it stung," Pidge agreed. "But we get it."

Hunk had a smile on his face when Keith spared him a glance. He couldn't tell whether it was genuine or sympathetic – either way, Hunk was too good for this world. "We're not gonna ditch you, if that's what you're worried about," he chuckled softly.

"That's—" Keith paused, realising that any attempt of putting on a charade would only go over their heads, especially with the state he was in. "Yeah, I was ... worried about that."

"Aw, I told you he likes us!" Lance pointed at his two friends, a triumphant smile cracking on his face.

"Wow. Took you screaming your head off to finally admit that you don't want us to leave you," Pidge added breezily, nudging Keith with her bony elbow. "Don't worry. We all vowed to annoy you till hell breaks loose."

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