19 - He's Not Sober

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lets not focus on the title and just appreciate five sleepy paladins instead, aye?


All of the basketball team members were gathered at the concourse area come Monday, their boisterous chatters could be heard ringing from the courtyard. Apparently, they had been waiting for Lance, because the moment he approached them, Ryan Kinkade shouted "There's our sharpshooter!", followed by a few whistles of approval.

"Heyyy," Lance greeted, diving into a sea of fist bumps and bro-hugs. "What's going on?"

"Kinkade's hosting a party Friday night," Boyd Fredericks, one of his teammates, answered for him. "His parents will be out. You in?"

Lance raised his eyebrows. He hadn't expected Ryan Kinkade to be the type to host parties. It was usually done by one of the other rowdy popular kids. But he supposed there was a first time for everything. "That depends," he said.

"Aww, Lance," Dianne Henderson gave him this pout. "Come on, it's just a party. You ever been to one?"

"Once. When I was unwillingly dragged by my girlfriend to one,"

Shay snorted.

"I mean, I'd like to come," Lance shrugged, smiling. "But who else is invited?"

"Everyone in our batch, for sure," Ryan replied. "You can bring the juniors."

"Awesome!" Lance clapped his hands together. "Sure – yeah, I'm in!"

"That's the spirit," Dianne said with a nod of approval. "Now that everyone on the team has agreed to go, I'll excuse myself. See ya, losers!"

They parted ways, and Shay tagged along with Lance to meet up with Hunk in the hallway. Unaware of their approaching footsteps, the boy was currently pulling out some books from his locker when Shay rested her chin on her boyfriend's shoulder, startling him. For some reason, Lance blushed and averted his gaze; as much as a sucker for romance as he was, witnessing public gestures of affection made him feel unwonted. Somehow.

"There's gonna be a party at Ryan's this Friday," Shay told Hunk, straightening up. "You coming?"

Hunk mulled over this for a moment before catching Lance's eyes. His question was palpably written on his face: Are you?

"The whole team is coming," Lance said.

"Oh!" Hunk said, his face lighting up. "Well, then yeah, I guess I'm going. Don't wanna actually be there when I don't know anyone, you know?"

"But you're friends with everyone," Lance commented.

"You meant you,"

"I mean you get along well even with strangers," Lance pointed out. "Do you think Pidge wants to come?"

"Oh man, I can actually hear her answer in my head," Hunk laughed, and closed his eyes briefly with his eyebrows furrowed as though someone was giving him instructions via an earpiece. "Yeah, nope. It's a negative."

"What's a negative?"

They all turned around. Keith was standing behind Lance, his eyebrows raised in a mild curiosity. There was something different in his appearance today. "Keith!" Lance greeted with more enthusiasm than necessary. And he noticed the difference in his appearance was actually just his hair. "Oh – your hair is up again!"

Lance immediately felt himself go warm after saying that. Seriously? "I – yeah, I guess it actually feels nice," Keith shrugged, appearing nonchalant, though the tips of his ears had visibly turned a shade crimson. "Anyway, what's the negative about?"

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