4 - An Old Face

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There was no wasting his time here. Lance practically dashed across the courtyard the moment his gaze landed on him, ignoring Hunk's startled "Wait!" that followed – or the fact that his backpack zipper was still open. From a distance, Lance appeared like a zealous seventeen-year-old who was excited to start his senior year at high school, what with the way he was clutching on his bag straps tightly as he ran.

Skidding to a halt and hunching over in a pant as though he'd just run a mile was enough to cause Ryan Kinkade to pause. The boy was currently halfway through unplugging his earpods, and had now resolved to blink at Lance in a bemused manner. "Good morning?" he spoke.

"Yeah – morning," Lance panted, adjusting the straps of his bag comfortably over his shoulders. "When – is – practice?"

Ryan's eyebrows rose. "You mean basketball?"

"That – yeah!"

A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of Ryan's lips. The boy didn't smile much, but when he did – even in the slightest – it was enough to make both boys and girls keel over. Tall, broad-shouldered Ryan; student council and captain of the school's basketball team. For someone who might appear like he loved to boss around, Ryan was fairly quite, and was usually found hanging around the media club's classroom with a few of his friends.

"Coach Kolivan hasn't even informed me about any upcoming matches, Lance," said Ryan not unkindly. "It's only the first day."

"I know, I know," Lance waved his hand in the air dismissively. "But—"

"But if you do wanna practice early, the court's always open. In fact, I might even be there this afternoon," Ryan explained. "You can inform the others. Then maybe I can convince Coach to allow us to practice."

"Thank you!"

"I've actually come up with some new tactics over the summer, so you might wanna try them," Ryan added, patting Lance on his arm. He tilted his head aside. "You've grown taller."

Lance felt himself blush. "Uh – yeah. Been shooting hoops and stuff," he said, suddenly self-conscious. "I've got a whole summer, you see."

Ryan nodded once. "Well, see you."

Lance nodded in response, and no sooner than that Hunk appeared by his side. The additional presence of a ginger hair announced the arrival of Pidge, who was looking after Ryan's retreating figure. "Please tell me you didn't just demand for basketball practices," she commented, looking pained.

"No, I didn't,"

"You know, Lance, maybe you should be the captain," Hunk added. "You're more eager about it than he is."

Lance groaned. This conversation again. "With grades like mine? He's the student council, Hunk," he retorted in what he hoped was his sensible tone. "He hangs out with people like Nadia and James and Ina!"

"C'mon, dude, it's Monday," Hunk clapped him once on the shoulder, as though the prospect of getting through the first day of the week was the most effective way to brighten a person's mood. "First day of senior year, would you look at that! Don't stress yourself out yet."

Unless, of course, the person saying it was being sarcastic.

"Yeah," Pidge chimed in. "'Cause you'll get a whole lot of that in college."

Lance narrowed his eyes at Pidge. "That helps. Thanks a bunch, junior,"

"My pleasure, senior," Pidge said. She looked around her and sighed. "Can't believe this is my last year with you two."

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