14 - At Hunk's

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I hope y'all are enjoying this so far. Your votes and comments really motivate me to keep writing :'))



Of all the days that he could've forgotten to take his meds, today – arriving at Hunk's house, where there would unquestionably be a lot of people inside – just had to be the day. As momentous as timings could get, they never quite granted Keith much of a favour. It was as if the universe despised his entire being. Here's your daily dose of anxiety, said the universe scathingly, with a little spice. Enjoy your meal! Because in his head, anything that stood on a higher ground than him was currently making trenchant criticisms about himself. And that included him forgetting to take his meds.

How very convenient, Keith thought testily to himself as he stood there on the sidewalk, staring up at Hunk's house.

Three minutes had gone by, unscratched not even by the smallest movement of a limb, since he'd stood rooted there on the spot. He was uncertain as to whether he was ready to tread his way to the front door. From here, he could distinctly make out muffled voices from inside the house. Pidge's was the most evident – despite her tiny frame, her yells could wake an entire neighbourhood. Yet here he stood, fiddling with the hem of his sleeve, taking an interest instead at the daphnes lining the flagstone pathway.

Hunk's house was considerably smaller compared to the others in this neighbourhood, but so far it was the neatest. There was the tangible touch of home when Keith first surveyed it; from the popping baby blue wall to the stack of spare enginery parts on a desk in a small shed, which stood at the side of the house like it had naturally grown from the soil. Two kick scooters were propped up against the wall of the shed, and the absence of rust on their iron frames indicated that they had just been recently bought.

I should go in, the rational side of his voice said.

But what if it's the wrong house? Just had to be the response of his other voice, prompting Keith to check and double-check and triple-check the address Hunk had sent him. Really, the boy had actually given him a Google Map link and a picture of the house.

Keith had arrived at the right place without getting lost on the way, all right. But there was no stopping the intrusive thoughts that came flooding into his head the moment he mounted off his bike, all of them sprouting possible worst-case scenarios. Now he wished Shiro or Adam had dropped him off, because at least their banters on the way here could lift some unnecessary weight off his shoulders.

Keith was contemplating on going back and finishing his homework (they were nearing a stage of drowning him), when a familiar voice said, "Didn't actually expect you to turn up,"

"Is that really much of a surprise?" Keith said, quite relieved to see Lance ambling up the sidewalk, his hands shoved into his jeans pockets.

"Yes," Lance replied in a tone that suggested he was proving a really valid point. "I was starting to wonder whether you'd cancel yourself out of this."

Keith wasn't going to admit that aloud. "Where's your car?"

"I'm five blocks away," Lance casually jerked his thumb over his shoulder. Then he smirked. That awfully cute smirk followed by a raised eyebrow. "Why? Need a ride home?"

Flushing, Keith turned towards the house. "C'mon, let's get inside," he said, glad that he had someone to accompany him into the house.

Really, he could've texted Hunk that he was outside. But then the prospect of enduring awkward questions saved the trouble. No way was he going to slide the bar higher up the Socially Rusty scale. He was in a dire need to improve his social interaction. If only a Seer had foretold him that he would have friends this year ...

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