7 - A Good Team

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"Rizavi – OUT!"

Nadia Rizavi groaned and stomped off the court, just as Lance turned for a fraction of a second to smirk at Keith. "Good hit, Mullet!"

Keith allowed a small smile to linger on his lips before ducking, missing a soaring red ball by a few inches. He pursed his lips, fairly disappointed with himself for getting distracted.

Count on Coach Kolivan to set up a game of dodgeball on the first week of school, jumping straight into action rather than warming up their gears. It seemed as though he had the surmise that everyone's summer spirits were still lingering in their system, and the way to boost it was none other than to initiate game of dodgeball. He'd drawn a collective groan from them all when he announced it earlier, but Keith was more than eager to be back running around with the adrenaline rushing in his system.

It was, after all, what Coran had advised him do anyway; get back in shape; make sure the waistband of his jeans hugs his waist snugly without sagging down his hips.

And if there was one thing that could clear his mind, it was this. A week into Atlas High, he could already conclude that PE was the only period he'd been looking forward to. Sure, he'd been okay with the rest of the subjects, but this, by far, just had to be his favourite. Even Shiro was surprised to hear him admit this. After all, it wasn't likely for Keith to be interested in anything that has to do with school.

Perhaps it was because Coach Kolivan seemed to favour him – something he'd never experienced before, considering he'd always been the least favourite in all of the previous schools he attended. Assertive though the man might appear, he would always get Keith to make a few demonstrations, delivering a proud smile when Keith exceeded the man's expectations.

It felt nice.

Though, if there was one person who wasn't too fond of this – and was bad at concealing his emotions – it was Lance.

The boy had teased him at times for being "Kolivan's demo", but he didn't say it to provoke Keith whatsoever. In fact, he'd outwardly encouraged it ("Keith's got skills to demonstrate!" he'd shouted once when Coach Kolivan asked who would love to try a dodging technique). But after time, Keith began to wonder whether Lance was being genuine or sarcastic.

Not that he was bothered by it that much. Indubitably enough, Lance might get under his skin, but at least the boy had warmed up a bit since the previous three days, when he discovered that Keith was bad at history as he was.

They made a relatively odd pair, Keith and Lance. At times they would jeer at each other, making light scathing remarks – usually initiated by Lance himself whenever Keith does something that he can't. Keith still had no clue what the root problem of this was, but he went with the flow anyway.

Because, as exasperating as Lance could get, it was entertaining. Teasing the boy at any chance he could get was amusing, given that it'd really draw his full attention.

But really, most of the time, they went along quite well.

"Kogane! Head in the game!" Kolivan barked, drawing Keith out of reverie, but too late—

A ball struck him right in the stomach just as he turned.


Lance whirled around at the name, noticing Keith walk off the court to sit at the perimeter line. A mixture of smugness and disappointment flashed across his expression, realising that it was only him, Romelle and a boy with long dreadlocks on his team now.

Their team were greatly outnumbered, what with the opposing team using the absence of Keith as an advantage, now worrying about Lance. The boy was surprisingly flexible when it came to dodging, which was saying something, seeing as Lance had really long limbs. Come on, come on, get me a ball so I can get back in ...

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