8 - Trainings and Pills

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Lance — does anyone have Keith's number???

Pidge — Why...?

Lance — you seem intrigued by that question

Pidge — Hearing the question come from his so-called "rival", yes I'm intrigued

Lance — okay fine the rivarly thing is stupid

Pidge — Hunk, look, he's finally admitting it

Pidge — Our boy is finally growing up

Lance — Hunk, do u have his number???

Hunk — Sorry I was cooking

Hunk — Yes, I do have his number. Why?

Hunk — ;)

Pidge — ;)))

Lance — Ms Chaffer says she's gonna be handing us group assignments so in case I end up being with him, I need his number

Pidge — You cant just ask him that yourself?

Pidge — Aww is Lancey shy :333

Lance — Hunk ...

Hunk — Okay, okay, I've got it. I'll PM you his number

Lance — thank you!!

Hunk — Although, I don't really believe your reasons

Lance — i thought we were all friends here

Pidge — Not if one of us is a bad liar


Hunk — Okay, okay, sorry Lance I believe you

Pidge — Seriously though why don't you just ask him yourself?

Lance groaned. At the court, the rest of the basketball team were already filing in, the squeaks of soles echoing around the otherwise deserted gym. "Lance! Hurry up!" Ryan called.

"Just a sec!"

Lance — i dont know cuz i feel like he'll laugh at me????

Lance — now if you'll all excuse me, I have a training to attend.

He didn't wait for a response before he shoved his phone into his bag and hurried down the court, where the others were already warming up. Shay shot him a questioning look, but he dismissed it with a shrug.

Ryan began with their usual dynamic stretches before making them all run ten laps around the court. It seemed as though Lance – however keen he was at basketball trainings after school – wasn't the only one who was beginning to notice the leap in vehemence here. It wasn't usually Ryan to start diving into fervent practices, especially when it was still too early in the school term. The only number of times he'd get the whole team psyched up was when the day for a match was drawing nearer – and even that was normally two months into the term, sometimes a month after new year.

All in all, the team was partly terrified of this new spirit radiating off their captain and partly thrilled. Shay, a small forward, was especially impressed when Ryan attempted a wraparound (playing the temporary opposing team) that she halted midway to simply watch instead of trying to steal the ball from him.

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