Chapter 4

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Three days after Freed's and Laxus's first mating and they were both coming back to their normal senses.

Laxus was the first to wake after their days of fun. He rubbed his face and yawned as he stood, stumbling over into the bathroom. He started his usual morning routine and went to grab his tooth brush, frowning when it wasn't in his usual place and was a different color. He slowly looked around and blinked in confusion, scratching his head.
"This isn't my bathroom. This isn't Mira's bathroom...where am I?"

Laxus slowly wandered back out into the main bedroom and paled at the sight. Freed was sprawled out on his bed, snoring away softly. The room smelled of sex and his clothes were all over the floor and Freeds were delicately folded on the dresser. Laxus stared at the sleeping Green-haired mage before getting dressed quickly. He kept staring at Freed before biting his lower lip and sighing, cursing internally.
I can't let anyone find out about this. They'll make fun of me. I know he's always had feeling for me and all, but I can't...I'm so sorry Freed. I can't let my secret get out. Fuck I'm so sorry.

Laxus tensed up as he made his decision, his hand shaking as he raised it. He grimaced and slapped Freed across the face, putting on his best angry look.

Freed cried out as he woke, holding his cheek. He stared up at Laxus and tensed up a bit, noticing the angry aura around the dragon slayer.
"Laxus! What the hell? What's wrong?"

Laxus smirked some and rolled his eyes, forcefully grabbing Freeds head and yanking it sideways, letting out an angry growl at the sight. On Freeds neck was a black dragon tattoo, about the size of a playing card, with a yellow lightning bolt in the middle of the dragon.

"HOW DARE YOU?! THAT MARK WAS FOR MIRA! I can't believe my idiotic dragon thought you were anything special to me. You're nothing to me! I'm straight. I would never love a homosexual like you."
Laxus suddenly slapped Freed again, snarling hatefully. He winced internally as a red mark was already forming on the greenettes cheek, mentally apologizing over and over.

Freed looked startled, tearing up as he held his cheek. Laxus's cruel words hurt his entire being and memories of their love making flashed through his head.
"I w-what do you mean?! You followed me into my house and kept saying something about a mate and you bit me. I didn't do anything. You came after me. You carried me upstairs. You had sex with me willingly. Don't try and change your mind now!"
Freed crossed his arms as he stared at the glaring dragon slayer, his own anger surging as he defended himself.

Laxus stared down at Freed angrily before suddenly smirking, his eyes narrowing. His look could only be described as one of pure malice and hate.
"I, Laxus Dreyar, reject you Freed Justine as my mate."
After his finished his rejection speech towards his former mate, Laxus threw on his jacket and quickly exited out of Freeds house and hurried in the direction of his house.
I'm so sorry Freed. I'm so sorry you got caught up in this. But the mark will just fade like I read about. And we can forget this happened and my secret will be safe still. Please don't hate me after this.

Freed teared up at Laxus's words as he watched the male leave, a sudden burning pain in his neck stopping him from following after him. He let out a cry of pain as he clawed at the dragon mark that was on his neck, sobbing in pain. After a few minutes the pain simply faded away and he just collapsed onto his bed, shaking as he struggled to catch his breath. He gasped out weakly as his breathing became regular again, shakily standing and stumbling into his bathroom, turning on his shower. He stared at his form in the mirror as the shower heated up and he finally broke down, sobs shaking his body. Freeds ribs were sticking out more than they should be, along with his hip bones. He turned to the side and saw his spines structure sticking out through his skin in a way they shouldn't have. Various cuts littered his body along with multitudes of scars.

What truly broke him was the marks left over from his days of "love-making." Bruises were covering his neck and chest along with various other bite marks with them. His bruises were all different shapes and colors, ranging from handprints to obvious hickeys. It was like a cruel joke on his broken heart.

Freed sighed as he stepped into his shower, taking his time to wash off, his mind numbing as he let his mind wander. Once he was clean inside and out again, his usual clothes were on and a packed bag with all his belongings he would need was in his hand. He headed towards the guild and stood outside as he set his runes in place.

Inside the guild, Laxus was holding Mira who had come back the day before, sighing to himself as he kissed her neck. He had showered and smelled like his normal self again and she knew nothing that had happened. It was seemingly perfect. Suddenly, people started falling over, asleep.
"Mystogan? But he's not here on Earthland anymore...shit I think we're under attack."

Laxus looked down at a sudden weight in his arms, Mira having fallen asleep too. He gently laid her on the floor and stood, heading towards the door. He felt his knees buckle as he collapsed, the last thing he saw was a flash of Green hair.

Freed left a note for Makarov beside the mans sleeping form as he looked around the guild pen last time, his heart clenching as his eyes landed on Laxus's sleeping form.
"I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you...don't worry I won't tell anyone what happened. It's a secret I'll take to my grave. I hope you're happy with her. I-I...I still love you even now...that's what hurts the most."

Freed walked over and bent down, kissing Laxus one last time before rushing out of the guild. He watched as his guild mark disappeared from his hand, his heart filled with sadness as he headed to the train station. He cast some scent blocking runes and freed the guild from the sleeping runes, looking back one last time before getting on a train and leaving Magnolia.


Laxus groaned as he woke from his impromptu nap, looking around. He gently helped Mira up as she woke, looking around for Freed again. He asked around, no one sure of what had happened. No one else had seen that glimpse of Freed. He sighed and shrugged, going back to his seat by the bar as he watched Mira, thinking about it as he nursed a drink.
What happened...I wish Freed was here.

Later that night

Makarov silenced the guild as he climbed onto the bar top, holding a piece of paper.
"Freed Justine has left the guild for unknown reasons. He wishes everyone the best of luck and happy lives as he seeks out his own happiness wherever his may be. He does not plan to return to us a-and...he hopes...he hopes we let him live with his decision to leave. That is all."

Makarov stepped down with a sad look, motioning to Laxus to come to him.

Laxus frowned worriedly, but went to his grandfathers side.
"He's gone? He really didn't say why?

Makarov leaned down and whispered in his ear as he spoke.
"Freed hopes you and Mira have the best of luck and said he wont tell anyone of what happened. That's what did you do? What isn't he telling?"

Laxus gulped as he looked at his grandfathers deadly gaze before shaking his head.
"He's gone insane gramps. I don't know what finally set him off. Now if you don't mind, I spent an entire mating season without my mate and I want to make up for lost time...I don't know what he won't tell."

Makarov sighed as he watched Laxus lead Mira out of the guild.
"Laxus what did you do?"

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