Chapter 5

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Over the course of the next 2 weeks

The guild was mourning their lost member, several members going off on hopeless missions to find him despite his wishes.

Evergreen and Bixslow ignored Laxus as they headed up another search mission, desperately wanting their friend back. They knew he wasn't in the right state of mind and hadn't been since Laxus started dating Mirajane. They were worried he would do something to himself.

Laxus was the only chipper one, grinning and joking around with anyone who would listen, but inside his heart was broken. He couldn't even apologize to the lost male about what he had done, or explain himself. But he had to keep up his appearances. He tried to convince Evergreen and Bixslow to go on missions with him and Mira as the new and improved Rajinshuu once. Evergreen ended up slapping him and bursting into tears, Bickslow glaring at Laxus as he comforted her.
"There is no Rajinshuu without Freed. We're not your anything while he's missing. Ever and I agree you were the cause of broke his heart baby. Just leave us alone while we try and find our friend."

Laxus watched as his only friends left him, before storming out of the guild and into the forest to let out his pent up feelings. He let out screams of anger and screams of sadness and screams of hurt, punching at tree trunks as he let his feelings out finally.
"I wish I could just tell them! I miss him too, but I can't let them find out. Fuck Freed. I miss you so much it hurts. I'm so sorry...I made you leave and I'll never forgive myself."

Exactly a month after Freed disappeared

Laxus was sitting at the bar top, drowning his lonely heart in a bottle of alcohol. He looked over at the door as it was opened, confused as Cobra walked in with Midnight and Jellal. He simply shrugged and went back to nursing his mental wounds and ailing heart.

Erza went to greet her friend, hugging him tightly. She smiled as he pulled away to greet the other two, simply giving them handshakes.
"What brings you here?"

Jellal pointed his thumb at Cobra and Midnight who both looked anywhere, but at her.
"They have a er...dilemma. I think it will effect the rest of the slayers as well. Sting and Rogue will be here shortly as well, I already sent for them to meet us here. I need to summon a meeting of all the dragon slayers and their mates."

3 hours later

Once Sting and Rogue managed to not look so green after their train ride to Fairy Tail and Laxus had sobered up a bit, all the dragons slayers and their mates were in the basement of the guild, sitting around a table. Jellal sat at the head of the table, waiting patiently before starting to speak.
"I was unaware of a dragon slayer mating season until Cobra informed me of what it is from a book he stumbled across. He went through it without a hitch, but an unknown side effect has er...followed after. Eric you should explain it to them."
Jellal hurriedly sat down, staring at the table as he sipped from his glass of water.

Eric looked a bit nervous as he gently set Midnight down in his seat after he stood, because the other had been sitting in his lap before. He cleared his throat and sighed as he ran a hand across his scarred eye.
"I'll just get to the point. Long story short...Macbeth is pregnant. We had a doctor look him over and confirm it after suspicions."

Everyone gasped in a their own mix of surprise and Natsu started to laugh.
"You're joking right? Oh god you're both hilarious. Ha ha thanks for the joke, but you have to try harder than that to trick us."

Midnight stood and shook his head, staring at the table. He itched the dragon mark on the side of his neck, sighing as he looked up at the group finally.
"It's true. Eric took me to a midwife to confirm after a doctor gave us his suspicions. We had to lie and say I was cross dressing to avoid suspicion. But it's true. I'm pregnant. We're here to try and locate some books with information regarding this outcome, but we also came here to warn you all about this. Whoever was the bottom role during the season should definitely get checked out to rule it out."

Jellal nodded as the poison dragon slayer sat down with his mate again, watching as the males curled into each other.
"I have already communicated with Porlyusica about this and she's agreed to check over everyone after we're done meeting here."

Wendy cleared her throat, blushing heavily as everyone's eyes turned to her.
"I can help her then Jellal-kun because Chelia and I never got to any of that...Carla stopped us before anything happened so I'll do my best to assist you!"

Natsu and Gray were staring at each other, Natsu paler than the ice mage himself. Gajeel had fainted at some point, Levy feeding him small bits of metal to wake him up. Rogue had just completely disappeared leaving behind a silent Sting who was watching Levy and Gajeel.

Laxus looked up as his arm was hit, pulled out of his thoughts. Mira was laughing happily as she relaxed on his shoulder.
"We have nothing to worry about either then. I wasn't even here for the season. Thank goodness right Laxus?"

Laxus slowly nodded his head, staring at the table.
Oh god. What if I got Freed pregnant?! I need to find him and make sure he's safe. But then everyone will know what I really am...

After finding Rogue again, Wendy, Levy, Natsu, Rogue, and Midnight all headed to Porlyusicas to get checked out. Gajeel had finally been revived and was off drinking at the bar with Sting and Gray who were all trying to keep calm about the situation. Mira was trying to keep them calm as she gave them drinks, telling them what amazing parents they'd all be if anything had happened.

Laxus was off in the corner of the guild, staring at the table as he drank. He looked up as someone pulled out a chair and sat beside him.
"What do you want poison breath?"

Eric smiled some as he sat beside the brooding dragon slayer, making sure to talk quietly.
"I could hear your thoughts from across the room...and downstairs..."
He smiled turned into a frown as he leaned towards him a bit more.
"Why did you reject your mate? Erza contacted our group and even we're keeping an eye out for him. You clearly don't have any feelings for that bar tender I can hear it I'm your thoughts."

Laxus sighed as he put his head in his hands.
"I'm not straight. Never have been, but a tough guy like me? Seen as gay? It'd ruin my reputation. So I ignored him constantly, leading him on I guess. And then when Mira was gone for the season I lost control because I had the freedom to be with my mate. But I couldn't accept him...they'd all laugh and harass me. So I did what I thought would be best for us and rejected him. I was just so afraid of people's reactions to me."

Eric sighed and shook his head, placing a hand on Laxus's shoulder. He offered a small smile as he gestured around the guild.
"Laxus nobody would judge you. Hell look at all these fated pairings among us. Everyone except Gajeel is with the same gender. You need to find him and explain yourself. Your rejection is slowly killing him through that mark on his neck. You're literally killing your need to fix this. Besides you and I both know deep down you love him. A part of you always has. I wish you look on your search. Last we heard he was down south somewhere. I hope you find him before it's too late."
Eric stood and walked away with that, going to greet Kinana and chat about what had happened, his arm wrapping around Macbeth's waist possessively.

Laxus was aware of two sets of eyes on him, knowing it was the other dragon slayers that had overheard everything. He sighed and walked of of the guild and hurried home to pack his things, a determined grin on his face.
What am I going to do? I need to find him. I need to keep him safe. Freed...I'm coming my mate.

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