Chapter 24

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Freed was in heaven as soon as he stepped inside the grand library of Fortuna. He was certainly glad he had brought his speed reader glasses with. He made his way up to the second floor, heading to the magic section in the back corner.
"Ooh so many books. I heard they've got a good selection of rune books and other magic books. I'd better get started then if I want to get anything read."

Freed grabbed a stack of books and went to sit at a desk, pulling on his glasses with a smile. He started his reading peacefully, a hand on his protruding stomach. It was a relaxing start to the day.

Laxus was feeling a sense of unease as he watched Freed walk away from them, sighing as he forced himself to look away. They had a job to do and Freed could take care of himself. He sighed again as he started to follow after Evergreen, crossing his arms over his chest and letting his face go back to its neutral state.
"Oi idiots. What job did you get for us this time?"

Evergreen grinned back at him and went to walk by his side instead.
"We're guarding the shop for an elite client."

Laxus groaned as he rolled his eyes, sending a glare at her.
"During the day? Normally you wouldn't hire guards for the day. What's the catch?"

Evergreen shrugged and smirked some as she approached a fancy looking store that reeked of perfume.
"This is it. Let's go inside boys."

Bixslow and Laxus both shared a worried look before following the perky female inside, gagging on the air.

Soon the three of them were sitting on a couch on the second floor of the building, facing someone Laxus could only describe as horrifying.

The overweight white male, had atrocious hot pink hair that hung down to his shoulders, straightened completely. His outfit was a tight fitting red-purple velvet suit with a baby blue set of sandals on his feet. His eyes were crazy looking even behind the pair of hot pink glasses on his face. The male just looked like a walking nightmare and Laxus was honestly a little shaken by his appearance.

"Yo yo you're the guys that I hired from Fairy Tail!? Right on! The names Largusta Lerge! I own this perfume store here called Historica Floral. And you're all here to help me for a few days cause there have been some thefts around here lately yo! I got some uniforms here for you guys. I've hired you for two days and I expect you to serve my customers well while making sure nothing happens to my shop yo!"

Laxus could only cringe in horror as the uniforms were held up, internally grateful that Freed wasn't here to see this. Somehow he was convinced into the horrific outfit and was staring at himself in the mirror.

Laxus and Bixslow were given the matching male uniforms and neither looked good in them. The shirts were baby blue with a hot pink and lime green striped jacket over the top. The pants were matching striped with the jacket with electric yellow cuffs at the ankles. They were given lime green socks to wear with their normal shoes and matching like green gloves.

Evergreen was given a similar outfit, but as a dress. Plus she didn't look half bad.

Laxus sighed as he stood now by the counter, handing out samples of something that was destroying his scent handling. It was all too pungent for him and he was ready to strangle his companions for picking this. Next time, he was choosing the job. He could only wish for the day to come to an end faster than ever.

Freed was pulled out of his story by a hand on his shoulder, rubbing his eyes as he looked behind him.
"Oh hello. How can I help you?"

"The library's closing now dearie. We noticed you in the corner and you didn't seem to know. You can leave that pile for us to take care of. Would you like to check anything out?"

The librarian smiled kindly at Freed as she explained the circumstances.

Freed looked startled as he glanced outside, noticing the darkness.
"Oh uh no thank you. Thank you for letting me know. I'll be heading out now."

Freed scurried out hurriedly, embarrassed that he had let himself get so distracted. He knew he was going to be in trouble when he got back to the hotel.

OMFG so sorry guys I forgot to actually hit the post button on this Dx. I'm sorry guys.

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