Chapter 22

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AN. Sorry this took so long to come out. I've been getting ready for college and I leave in a week. Plus I've been on a bit of a writing flop streak. I had ideas, didn't write them down and forgot them all. Thank you guys for waiting though it means so much to me ❤️

Freed woke with a soft yawn at the sound of his rune timer going off, flicking it away with his wrist. He looked over at the still sleeping man beside him and smiled some, slowly standing. He let his robe slide off his body after he had turned the shower on, yawning again as he grabbed out his shower liquids. He glanced in the mirror as he held his shampoo in one hand and conditioner in the other, studying his body with a slight frown.
"I'm still not used to it...looking like this. It just seems so unnatural."

Freed sighed and stepped under the water, setting the bottles on the shelf in the shower as he started rinsing off. He started applying his shampoo when he heard the door open and the sound of a bladder being emptied into the toilet, staying quiet as he washed himself. It was nothing new for their routine.

Freed lost himself in his thoughts as he washed his hair, jumping some as hands were put on his waist. He looked behind him and sighed softly, smiling as he turned around.
"Laxus. You startled me. I'm surprised you're awake. I was planning to get you up when I was done here."

Laxus shrugged and let his hands run over Freeds body gently, leaning forward to kiss his lips softly.
"Heard the water running and had to pee. Didn't want to go back to sleep afterwards so I thought I'd join you. Lemme finish your hair."

Freed smiled happily at the kiss and stared at Laxus, before nodding and handing him the conditioner bottle.
"Not too much of it...just enough to cover my head evenly."

Laxus nodded stiffly and squirted some of the peppermint scented liquid into his hand, having Freed turn around again as he started applying it to the green locks. He smiled as Freeds body relaxed under his hands and soft happy sighs escaped his lovers mouth. He turned Freed around again and helped rinse out his hair, smiling as he noticed Freed staring at him.
"See something you like?"

Freeds cheeks instantly went dark red and he let his eyes drop, letting Laxus's bigger hands wash the remaining conditioner from his hair.
" I get to scrub you after this?"

Laxus laughed and nodded his head once, dropping his hands to Freeds shoulders.
"Sure if ya really want too. But I want to wash your body first."

Freed blushed lightly and nodded submissively, bending over and grabbing their sponge. He slowly handed it to Laxus and let himself stare up into the others eyes, shivering some as the sponge touched his chest.

"Relax Freed. Might have to give ya a massage or something with how tense you've been. Hey any memories today?"
Laxus started scrubbing the males skin gently, starting on his neck and shoulders and chest area. He worked it gently, but firmly, letting his eyes glance up at Freeds face every few seconds. He paused on his stomach, smiling a bit as he pressed his hand against it.

"Unfortunately no. I hate it. I mean it's important and I just forgot it. I feel so useless these days."
Freed groaned and covered his face with his hand miserably, slumping back some.

"Hey! You're not fucking useless Freed. It's okay that you forgot, it's not like you chose to or nothing. It was your brain reacting to trauma or whatever. But you ain't useless. You still are the captain of the Rajinshuu. You keep Bickslow alive and mostly out of trouble. You help Evergreen with her 'manly' problems and all her girls ones too. You keep me sane and control my anger better than I do. Plus you're carrying a baby. Our baby for that matter. So never call yourself useless again or I'll spank your ass so hard you won't sit for weeks. You never have been and never will be useless."
Laxus huffed and finished scrubbing Freeds body during his rant before straightening up and looking at Freed firmly. His eyes went wide as he spotted the tears running down the shorter males face, internally cursing himself as he hugged the greenette.
"Shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. You gotta yell at me when I'm being to mean."

"Y-you weren't too mean. It was perfect to hear and I needed it. I've been so shitty since I came back. I'm not allowed to use my magic like I'm used too. I can't go here. I can't eat this or that. I can't even go on jobs anymore. All I do is sit around all day and get fatter and fatter. It's been tearing me down inside. It's just so terrifying. I'm a male. A pregnant male. And I don't know how to handle myself. I can't control my feelings or my appetite. I feel like I'm losing control of my life. I'm sorry if it's a crappy excuse or whatever."
Freed wiped at his eyes sadly, still crying. He whimpered softly as a hand forced his head up gently, staring at Laxus sadly. Lips touched his and he kissed back desperately, afraid they'd disappear if he didn't take action. He sighed sadly as they parted, letting Laxus wipe his cheeks dry from his tears.

"You should talk to me bout this stuff more Freed. It's not good to keep it all bottled up like this. If not me, then Ever or Bicks. Natsu knows what you're going through too that Flame headed idiot. I bet he's dealing with issues like these too. Now how about you scrub me up and we get out and go get breakfast. Then you can go out and explore and buy all the books to your hearts content. Once this job is done, the gangs going to go to the beach for a day. I think we've all earned a vacation. It's been forever. Now what do you say?"

Freed grinned and grabbed the sponge, eagerly scrubbing the males back and helping wash his hair. Laxus wasn't the smartest boyfriend and he didn't seem the nicest, but Freed knew the truth. He knew the real Laxus and that's all that mattered to him.

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