Chapter 8

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Freed stared up at the blonde in front of him, stunned. He started to raise a hand towards Laxus's face before slapping him across the face.
"Get out! I never wanted to see you ever again! Can't you just let me die in peace!!!"

Freed started smacking Laxus all over, tears falling down his cheeks.

Laxus grabbed his wrists to stop him, even though the only hit that hurt was the original slap. He held Freeds arms in the air as he watched the Greenette keep struggling and sobbing beneath him.

"I hate you! I hate you! You're already killing me so just let me die alone and at peace!!! I hope you suffer and burn in Hell!!! I hope you and Mira have a horrible family and you end up castrated! I hope-"

Laxus rolled his eyes and let him keep shouting at him, but growled at the mention of Mira. He cut off his next insult by kissing him, dropping his wrists so he could hold Freeds face gently. Freed kept struggling, but eventually went limp, starting to kiss him back. Laxus eventually pulled away and watched Freed pant for air. He sat down in his chair again and watched him silently.

Freed whimpered as he stared at him, pulling the blanket up to his chest.
"Why did you do that to me? Why did you have to break my heart all over again?"

Laxus whined softly and leaned onto the bed, staring up at him.
"Freed Justine. You're my mate. You're carrying my child. I'm sorry I ever rejected you. I was scared to be judged, but...some friends helped me accept myself. Freed please come back with me. To Fairy Tail. Everyone missed you... Ever and Bixslow are still sending out search parties in search of you. The other guilds are still keeping their eyes out for you. Freed...we need you"

Freed was back to sobbing again, slowly shaking his head.
"I-I-I....I'll come back. I want my family back. I need my family back"

Laxus smiled and hugged onto him gently, inhaling his perfect scent happily.
"Freed Justine. I love my mate"
He bit into his mark from before, slowly pulling away. He watched as all the black lines disappeared and Freed fell asleep, exhausted.

3 days later

Freed was finally being discharged from the hospital and he was more than eager to leave. He had Laxus go to his work and explain why he was quitting. They handled it pretty well and his coworkers seemed happy that he was going back to what he loved. He also made Laxus pack up the things he had brought with him, leaving him a detailed list of how to pack everything.

Freed was in the bathroom of his room, putting on his normal clothes. He sighed happily as he stepped out, gasping in surprise as he was hugged.

Laxus kissed his mates mark happily as he hugged him from behind.
"Ready to go home my mate?"

Freed nodded eagerly and grabbed Laxus's hand, both of them heading down to the train station.

The duo was finally back in Magnolia, holding hands as they headed to the guild.

Freed stopped them just outside the doors of the guild, suddenly nervous about everything.
"I don't know if I can do this..."

Laxus smiled and nuzzled Freeds cheek gently, squeezing his hand some.
"It'll be fine. Everyone's missed you and I'm sure the dragon slayers already know we're out here. There's no avoiding it now"
Laxus grinned and pushed open the doors, leading Freed inside.

The duo made their way over to the bar top, people pouncing on them left and right.

Freed gasped in surprise as he was ripped away from Laxus's hand. Evergreen and Bixslow were sobbing as they hugged him.
"Freed you came back to us!"
"Freed never leave us again baby. We couldn't handle not knowing where you were!"
"Freed oh Freed! It was killing us not having you around us"
"Baby! My babies missed you so much!"

Freed looked at Laxus desperately as he tried to calm his friends. He gasped slightly as they forced him through the crowd to the bar top, gulping as he spotted Makarov standing on top of it.
"H-hello sir. I I uh I wish to join Fairy Tail?"

Makarov started laughing as he hugged the started rune mage.
"Freed has returned! Let's party like there's no end! Come my boy. Let's go get your mark back where it belongs."

Freed, Laxus, and Makarov all went into the office as the party started without them. Freed smiled as the guilds mark was stamped back onto his hand, hugging Laxus happily.
"I'm back!"

Makarov cleared his throat with a knowing smirk.
"So my boys. Anything you'd like to tell me while we're here alone?"

Laxus sighed and turned around.
"Gramps...Freed is my-"


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