Chapter 6

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Freed had been gone from Fairy Tail for a month already. 4 weeks. So many days. He had gone off to a city just outside of Magnolia, managing the trip with his limited funds in a week. He had managed to find a local job at the library that paid decently and he had changed his look.

Freed now wore a plain white dress shirt and black dress pants. His signature lightning cowlicks were long gone and now he just wore his hair in a ponytail or a bun most days. His jacket was packed away as a reminder of his past along with his saber.

Freed didn't use his runes much anymore, only the silencing ones on the outside of his door to mask his screams of pain.

The mark on Freeds neck steadily kept increasing in pain with every attack it gave him. Freed wore a lot of makeup on it to cover it up, but it seemed no one else could see it. He still covered it up just in case.

Freed was out grocery shopping exactly a month after he left, exploring the little market. He felt a bit nauseous earlier that morning, but brushed it off. He smiled as he greeted one of the few people he trusted in town, Tara.
"Good afternoon Tara. How's the stand doing today?"

Tara was a short girl with brown hair. She kept it short, pixie style, which allowed her bright brown eyes to be seen by all. Despite her childish looks, she was actually 25 and happily engaged to a Rebecca.
"Morning Freed. We're selling well today. I managed to put aside your normal order of veggies and fruit for you"
She smiled and handed him a baggie full of the food.

Freed smiled happily as he took the bag, quickly getting out his money to pay her.
"Oh goodness, thank you Tara. I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm a little later than usual. I can't seem to keep much food down these days. I keep throwing up"
Freed sighed and rubbed his face tiredly.

Tara nodded before laughing.
"You sound like a pregnant woman there Freed. It's a good thing you're not actually pregnant"

Tara kept laughing as Freed slowly chuckled.
"Y-Yeah that's a great thing...I'll see you around alright Tara?"

Freed waved at her as he walked away, heading back to the small apartment he was renting. Once back, he quickly set everything down and ran off to the bathroom, vomiting harshly into the toilet. Freed shivered in disgust as he looked down at the toilets contents, making him vomit again. Once he was done being sick, he started brushing his teeth tiredly, staring at himself in the mirror. He slowly took off his shirt and sighed at the sight.

His bones all stuck out no matter how much he tried to eat. From his mark from...then was leaking black lines down his body that made it look like he had been struck by lightning. He suddenly gasped in pain and screamed out in pain, falling on the floor as he jerked about. He felt his head slam against something hard and his world went black.

Laxus had been exploding from guild to guild, asking for any information regarding Freed. He had gotten a tip from Mermaid Heel that someone matching Freeds description had been seen by a member on a mission in the city of Illia

So here he was standing, outside the city of Illia. Laxus yawned and sighed as he made his way into the town, sniffing around. He stopped in a small farmers market, his eyes going wide.
"Freed...I smell Freed"

He followed the scent over to some produce stand and glared at the little girl working it.
"Oy you there. You seen a guy with green hair round here? His names Freed Justine"

Tara stared up at the blonde and crossed her arms with a huff.
"Excuse me?! At least greet me properly! Who even are you? What do you want to do with Freed?"

Laxus stared at her and relaxed some, uncrossing his arms.
"Oh I uh...I'm from his old guild Fairy Tail? We've been looking for him since he left, trying to get him back home to us. He just left suddenly and we have some news that could change his life. Have you seen him?"

Tara sighed and stared up at him in concern, watching his eyes. She saw the hurt deep in them and slowly smiled.
"He works at the library, but he probably went home after buying his usual groceries. I Hmm. I think his apartment's just on the outside of town on Plert Road? Hmm either apartment number 534 or 533. Please don't hurt him...he's been through so much already. Betrayed by the man he tragic"

Laxus seemed to flinch at her words before thanking her and running off. He followed to street signs until he was at a house that had been split into different apartment levels. He sighed and started his search, sniffing around. He soon found himself outside of apartment 533 that had the entire third level to himself. He knocked on the door and frowned as it swung open.
"Hello?'s me? Laxus!"

Laxus started looking around, noticing the groceries on the counter unpacked. He noticed the light from the bathroom and slowly stepped in before gasping and collapsing to his knees.

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