Chapter 19

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Freed was allowed to leave after 3 days of monitoring of him and the baby. His wounds weren't all completely healed yet and he had to come back for checkups every 2 days for a few weeks. Freeds memory of what happened had disappeared after some possible head trauma, but Porylusica was confident it would come back with time.

Laxus held Freed close possessively as Porylusica finished up her final examination of their baby, getting more and more annoyed. He just wanted to bring his mate home and have some privacy.
"Oy witch? Can we leave already? They're fine and I don't want him out in the rain for too long."

Porylusica went to smack him, but Freed did it in her place, lightly smacking his arm.
"Calm down Laxus. She's just making sure the baby's okay and you should feel grateful she's so worried. Don't you want our baby healthy?"
Freed pouted at him with a slight smirk, tugging his shirt back down as Porylusica backed away.

Laxus growled some and nipped at his earlobe.
"Don't you ever think I don't care about you and our baby. I would die for both of you in a heartbeat."

Freed smiled and blushed lightly as he kissed Laxus's cheek, slowly standing. He pulled on his jacket with a slight wince of pain.
"I'm sorry love I won't. Now thank Porylusica and let's head out. I think the rains lessening up a bit right now."

Laxus mumbled an irritated thank you to Porylusica before pulling Freed close to him. He peered outside from the door before taking off his jacket and holding it over Freeds head.
"No arguing. Let's go. Gramps said he found us an apartment to stay in while the house is getting repaired so we should stop by the guild for the keys."

Freed opened his mouth to protest the jacket over his head before shutting it and nodding. They walked together quietly through the rain to the guild, Freeds hands covering his bump and Laxus covering his head from the rain. Once in the guild, Freed took off his own damp jacket and hung it up on the coat rack before he was picked up.


Freed yelped in surprise as he was twirled around, wincing as his wounds were moved. He stared down at Bixslow and Evergreen with a smile, looking around as everyone else started to crowd them.

Many hugs were exchanged much to Laxus's disliking, but eventually the questions and attention died down to its normal setting. Laxus held Freex close with a possessive huff, glaring around as he led Freed upstairs and onto the couch.
"That idiot Bixslow...picking you up. What if he had dropped you?"

Freed smiled and answered people as best he could as he was crowded. He fell down onto the couch with a happy sigh, smirking at Laxus some as he fought back laughter.
"You're such a grump. Go talk to your grandfather. I'll stay here."

Evergreen ran upstairs with Bixslow behind her, the both of them hugging onto Freed again. Ever forced a glass of water into his hands and smiled at Laxus.
"You found him. Now he's ours. Freed Jamison Justine! Don't you ever run away again you hear?! We were so worried and then you didn't even leave a note or anything!!"

Freed blushed lightly as he sipped from his water, nodding some.
"Sorry Ever. Sorry Bix. I don't know why I ran away, but next time I'll run to you guys. Promise."

Evergreen and Bixslow seemed happy with that answer and started filling Freed in on everything that had happened while he was away.

Laxus smiled some as he watched his mate relax with their friends, leaving them to socialize and catch up as he went to his grandfathers office. From the corner of his eye he saw Mirajane tense up some, but decided to ignore it as he closed the door behind him.
"Yo gramps. I'm here for the apartment key and I have news from Porylusica."

Makarov looked up at his grandson with a smile before gesturing at a chair. Once Laxus was seated, he threw over the key before leaning forward on his desk.
"News from Porylusica aye? How's Freed doing and my great grandchild?"

Laxus sighed and twirled the keys around with a slight smile.
"Freed doesn't remember what happened, but he and the baby are doing good. Now old man...Porylusica thinks Freed was attacked by someone in this guild. I told her it was a crazy idea, but she's adamant about the thought of it. She said to not spread that news around until we caught who hurt him."

"That's unfortunate news and I was sadly thinking the same thing. Don't worry Laxus. They hurt one of my children and my future son-in-law and could've killed my great grandchild. Whoever did this will face Fairy Tails Wrath."
Yo guys I'm thinking soon I'm going to write some chapters in the other dragon slayers POVs and how their lives are going so just a warning. Otherwise have a nice day.

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